How else are we going to fund huge buildings that will sit empty because who the heck wants to film a movie in Norristown Pa?
How else are we going to fund huge buildings that will sit empty because who the heck wants to film a movie in Norristown Pa?
I think one of the strongest things from Room was that it showed how well Ma did protect jack. Sure, he'll probably be a bit weird and have some issues, but he mostly seems like he'll have a normal life and bounce back pretty well (he made friends, he can deal with the world).
I think it's definitely both.
It's the bioshock of 40s film.
Man it's like checkovs gun level mistake. Why else would a movie feature an acoustic guitar if it wan't going to get smashed.
What a country!
They go clack clack clack you see
As a former Akronite I was ready to STORM OUT but then I would have missied the hilarity of like 15 people leaving right when the sex scene ended.
When asked about the AV Club, Mr. Lee replied "The what?" and checked his phone. Regret began to grow across his face, a reflection of a pikachu with a strange nose could be seen in his eyes.
Daddy's boy has completely ruined the trailer for Hail Ceasar! for me.
Hey Kaufman, no one in Akron calls it "The 71". It's I-71, YOU HACK.
I saw this at a showing in Philly yesterday. So many people walked out right when the sex ended. I imaging they were being polite, but it's kinda funny to think that they just came for the puppet sex and then left once it was done.
Star Wars Die Macher
Maroon Golf
Man imagine trying to click the exact right pixel in Kings Quest on an iphone. It's also way harder to hurl your amiga across the room.
If this is a tap and click adventure game it will get much of my money. It wont' be tho.
The movie, however, is awful.
TWINE is an underrated game. I put it up there with perfect dark on a fun evolution of what goldeneye started.
Well his wife turned down Yes and though King Crimson was not a girl's name.
The only thing saving Drawn Together from being worst cartoon ever is the existance of the ripping friends.