
Or we could just go to single-payer healthcare (aka Medicare For All) like every other industrialized nation in the world and not have for-profit corporations involved in healthcare at all.

There’s always 1987's Maurice.

Well, River East being removed sucks, but it isn’t surprising. They charge the most for tickets in Chicago. The only time I’ve been there was for the Chicago International Film Festival to see BPM and God’s Own Country.

E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial

Seriously. Any actual diehard Star Wars fan would have known this from “Rising Malevolence.” Thank you for posting that.

“Not enough tits. Replace slave boys with slave girls. There! Problem solved.”

They are not a government agency. They are well within their rights to limit content that appears on their site. They’ve gone after trans people and people trying to hide from abusers by not using their real names, they don’t allow pornography, and they’ve removed videos of suicides and sexual assaults. So they

Facts have a well-known liberal bias.

I know, right? It’s a great first name for southern drag queens.

Regarding Leia resisting the Imperial interrogator droid in ANH being a Force ability: I’d point to Poe (who does not have nor is it ever hinted that he has Force abilities), eventually being broken by Kylo Ren’s Force mind probe and to Rey resisting Kylo Ren’s mind probe and reversing the charges (so to speak) on

Someone on Twitter made a good observation about this:

Luke’s “brush-off” gesture was THE BEST.

It’s funny isn’t it. We all had high hopes that the move to Kinja would work out. But the truth is always so much more muted (in the sense of less joyful). What I’ve come to realize is everything in life is a disappointment, and in any situation you have to ask yourself, “Can I reasonably expect better?” And I don’t

#TeamTracyMartel all the way!

At CIFF, The Square didn’t have a line 2 hours before its start time, but God’s Own Country did. I’m not sure how hundreds of people who are probably not film critics would know about this film, but not film critics who cover festivals where this has screened almost exclusively in the U.S.

Bump. Set. Spike.

Obligatory “It’s so dense. Every single image has so many things going on” and “Here’s some money. Go see a Star War” post.

And now it’s won big at the British Independent Film Awards.