
In 2009, a friend of mine was really insistent that I would like The Horror’s second album Primary Colours, which was getting a lot of press in the UK, but I had little interest in it after disliking Strange House. He played b-side “You Could Never Tell” for me, and its Buzzcocks-meets-My Bloody Valentine sound was

Titanic over L.A. Confidential, The Ice Storm, and The Sweet Hereafter?

The AV Club
Actually, I have not seen the film.



Thank you, Esther! I remember seeing Sleepless In Seattle in theaters. When the credits rolled, I said, "That's it?!" There's no evidence this relationship will make it through the elevator ride to the ground floor.

If I had to pick just one, it would be The Empire Strikes Back by John Williams, but to name some that haven't already been mentioned:

The Book Of Henry (aka We Need To Talk About Episode IX)

There are a lot of hardcore Angela Chase/Brian Krakow shippers here.

Impatiently asks, "When does the library open?!"

If only so someone could take off their wig during the LSFYL to reveal a giant Kimberly Shaw-esque scar.

I was in high school (graduated in '93) when 90210 was on. My favorite part was when Emily Valentine joined the cast. She slipped "Euphoria" into Brandon's drink in one episode and in another she tried to set some school float on fire. She was my hero.

They definitely were reading Tiffani. If it's not clear enough from what they said, think about how awful they'd be to openly read Shannen, what with the whole fighting cancer thing.

There are much MUCH worse fashions being foisted upon men right now.

Shortly after we first met and decided to date long-distance, my husband and I were on our first Skype call together and at some point he said, "All of this has happened before" and I immediately said "And it will aaallll happen again" with the same inflection from the sample in "Seek 200."

I don't want to see a ghost. It's the sight that I fear most. I'd rather have a piece of toast.

Ah, the unofficial Trump Administration Theme Song!

I believe polite awkward silence would also be my reaction to being forced to listen to Eminem.

“There was never a script"