
Hey, don't be so down on Phi Phi! She's doing something unprecedented in Drag Race herstory: a season-long acting challenge!

Katya would have come out attached to a stake, with shoes made up like a funeral pyre, flaming legs (with her pussy on fire), and the best "I'm hearing voices, are you?" look on her face.

In addition to Princess Diana's tragic death, I don't think many gay men who lived through or are aware of gay history in the 1980s would even want to mock her in any way, shape, or form. Princess Di is practically a candidate for sainthood in the gay community, especially for those of us who still remember the AIDS

:::furiously begins writing multiverse slashfic where DCCU Deathstroke and DCTVU Deathstroke meet in a darkened alley, strip off each other's armor, and, um, stroke each other to death…:::

For the record, I only clicked on this article because it was a Chicago story and The AV Club sometimes provides interesting local stories that I don't read anywhere else. (That one about the Aloha billboard in Logan Square, for example.) And this is one of the first restaurants that I went to with my now-husband when

I wonder if they'll get a warning from the higher-ups that this article about a film director is taking time and focus away from the new food-focused AV Club.

Creed was just reheated leftovers (except for that seemingly single-take fight scene). The outcry should have been when Jordan and Coogler and Octavia Spencer were ignored for Fruitvale Station.

Oh my god. I'm…back. I'm…home. All the time it was…We finally, really did it.

Seriously, I haven't seen that much hatred for orange juice since gays took screwdrivers and mimosas off the bar and brunch menus during the Anita Bryant campaigns.

Don't follow creeper, Fluttershy! He's leading you to the glitter glue factory!

Some people have asked, "What does this have to do with pop culture?"

However, Donald Trump is still an attention whore.

Seriously, there's got to be something else going on in Adore's personal life. I don't think it was just the critiques, because she would have blown those off before. With great success after her season, there's no material reason for Adore to be this defeated and sensitive.

Tomorrow is Saturday. And Sunday comes after… wards. I don't want this weekend to end.

Skeleton Twins redeemed "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now."

"I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring that cost too much to be free."

Ann Coulter has eleven books. That's far more depressing.

The best part of "Hotel California" is when it's over.

Or "I Just Called To Say I Love You," which I think is worse because it was made by the same man who made Innervisions and Talking Book, arguably two of the greatest albums ever made.