
Or he could be kidnapped to a hell dimension from which he returns as a battle-hardened warrior raised to hate Jack.

I mistakenly read that third-to-last sentence as: "Johnny Depp is currently said to be developing a big-screen reboot, though there’s no word on who will be the Nick to his Nora."

"Women and children, first, boys."

I glanced at the title and picture on the front page and read it as: "What creator just can't put out fast enough for you?" That coupled with the George R.R. Martin photo just gave me a lovely visual.

Where's Suey Park?

This is why you start a gay boycott of a brand of vodka.

HA! She'd make a great Kitana or Mileena.

Sage advice from Lady Gaga: "You may say I lost everything, but I still had my Bedazzler."

Darienne came off as mean and just terrible in this episode. (Although not Laganja terrible, because Laganja is The Worst—Officially.) The only time Darienne made me laugh was when she tripped over a garbage can whilst dressed, appropriately enough, as a garbage bag. Talk about Oscar The Grouch Realness.

The queens who think they can just show up and be pretty and win it all also seem to have no sense of history, regardless of age.

I know there were reasons they were eliminated, but I miss the Nashville recaps.

As rubble?

They will top "33."

Lushes…starring Martha and Cersei.

But Noah Emmerich is, like, 80, right?

Wizard needs food.


One is an organization that wants your undying allegiance and loyalty, your time, and your soul. The other is the KGB.

I was thinking about this. But I don't think people recall facial features (other than scars or other noticeable markings like piercings, tattoos, etc) as much as hair color, age, height, possibly eye color, and any accent. That would explain the focus on wigs, glasses, faux facial fur, and accents that distract from
