How long before this happens? lol..
How long before this happens? lol..
Imagine, if you will, a world where Pokémon isn't just something you can buy for $40 or so. Imagine Nintendo's…
Why spotlight terrible artwork?
Gotta say, I wish Destiny was coming out for PC.
OK as everyone can attest, I'm DOTA 2's biggest fan - but damn if that League clip didn't get the heart pumping!
So much better. The grown up versions are technically good, but they miss the nature of the characters. It's like the artist's aim was to make them boring.
Here's a much better attempt by artist bloochikin on deviant art. Hers actually manages to keep the fun and off kilter personalities of the characters instead of turning them into generic and bland fashion models.
I'm impressed how she never stopped typing but somehow completely removed her shirt at the same time.
this is funnier.
I hope that Nintendo's shareholders' meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company's business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.
Maybe the Penguin did it.
Pet items from SEGA's Phantasy Star Online series.
Chaos and MAGs, SEGA's best gameplay inventions ever!