
Why should there be any recourse for anonymously stealing someone's money? They don't know you did it. Presumably you're a good enough hacker that the cops don't know you did it. Why should there be a hit on your rep? Seems like they're properly handling that type of thing to me, and it was a conscious decision

DICE LA are working on this, DICE Sweden on Battlefront.

Nope, we just enjoy their videos.

T.I.'s got some big balls to walk up to Mayweather and throw a punch.

I love my Xbox One and I don't care about the resolution being lower than PS4. To me it doesn't change anything about the games I play on it. I still spend more time on my 360 than I do my One even thought everything looks more pretty.

I hated X-Play. Well, 'hate' is a funny work - I didn't like the venue. The show seemed to be so focused on being 'bro-friendly' in many regards.

Hey! It's you!

We get it. PS4 is the greatest in every way. XBOX should just stop making consoles and stick to operating systems.

Was this the intended effect here?

Yea. It matches everything in my entertainment center. Everything there is squared. No polygons or ovals.

I like it because it's black and stays out of the way. It doesn't draw attention.

I cant be the only one who likes the way it looks. Anyone?

And at some point someone said, "Can we make it look like a Betamax from 1985?"

My little brother is playing through the original Wolfenstein to prepare for this one. Holy shit, does this look slow and clunky compared to the original game. FPS games have really changed over the years...