
So, with these Nexii popping up, why haven't we seen a Motorola Nexus phone, considering Google owns Motorola now?

That's what I'm hoping will happen.

Oh really? Crap, that means I still have to get A in mercenaries. Probably should have looked at the videos before commenting, but I don't want to spoil anything from the game yet.

Woah, texture swaps? But I see pirate Leon in residentevil.net!

I'm pretty sure it is linked to it. Costumes are unlocked with points.

Looks like that ambulance always hits everyone by surprise! XD

I think it's the first time I see 5.1 support in the minimum specs (or would it be recommended?).

Agreed. It may have had some problems, but nothing gamebreaking. Got it at launch and became my GotY.

I bought it at launch and the only thing that I really noticed were the long load times for pausing the game, accessing the inventory, or when you found an item.

I don't doubt that. The problem is that the battery you use playing could be needed later to make an emergency call or something more urgent than playing games.

Phones may now be good for gaming, but one can rarely afford to play much in them because of their atrocius battery life. So having a gaming handheld is a must if you really want to play on the go.

Watching previews just got me more hyped for it's release.

This. At worst you get the console experience with extra stuff, and mi computer isn't very outdated, so Blighttown should run at a steady 30fps according to what has been reported. And most probably, someone will mod the hell out of this game so it supports 1920*1080, and I'm pretty ok with that.

Wow. It's awesome that you noticed this stuff. Gets me even more pumped for ChronoPhantasma! (Especially now that there is another way to get Bang into FRKZ mode).

So the PS3 users got screwed over MS's limitations?

But you can't upgrade from CT to CT Extends. If you bought all DLC characters, it's a pretty big slap in the face.

I want to see some benchmarking on different rigs, maybe Totilo's rig.

What a great read! Also, Blizzard's response is pretty interesting too. http://www.alexc.me/why-diablo-3-is-less-addictive-blizzard-responds/441/

Yeah, that's what I do whenever I want to play Steam and couldn't get it in offline mode. Then I'll put Steam in offline mode and untether. Where I live, the infrastructure is really bad, and my connection drops a lot. It's the main reason I haven't bought Diablo III. At least Steam won't log you out while you're

It's a problem because most people don't know the moment they will lose their connection. You need to set Steam to offline mode while you're online.