
Hell yes! Local Co-op is probably the best decision they could have made. I don't really play online, so I'm happy knowing I'll be able to play with my friends.

I have only bought SuperMeatBoy for $8. Would have bought RE5 if i didn't already have it for PS3.

Now playing

I also do! Personally, my favorite songs come from Castlevania, but as long as it has a catchy melody, I'll probably like it.

The problem is that some games only accept the 360 controller rather than accepting any usb controller (like Beat Hazard). I would use my PS3 controller if I didn't hate so much having to configure the MotioninJoy driver each time I reboot my PC. But thanks for the advice anyway.

Thank you! This really helps. Looks like I'll be getting a wired black controller then.

Fellow Kotakuites, I need your help. I've been eyeing the X360 controller that comes with the play and charge bundle, mainly because of the improved D-Pad so I can play with my PC. Should I buy this one instead of a normal usb controller?

Man, not again... What happened to the new security measures?

I am. Maybe it's Portal related?

It would be awesome if the PS3 version could run these mods somehow.

I´m in the same situation. Really wanted to play it on the PC. Why does it require to be activated in the PS3 first?

My first was in 1999, when I was greeted by a bag with a green Gameboy Color, although for one moment it was useless as it had no games. But minutes later, my uncle gave me some of his old Gameboy games, including Castlevania Adventure, which made me like sadomasochistic games.

@Jekku: What is a trailer?! A miserable little pile of frames!

Has anyone noticed that Sepiroth only has pants in pic 1? Was it really necessary?

@Zenimus: If he uses his hockey mask for his EX, I´m all in.

@Archaotic: Oh yeah! Castlevania: Lords of Awesome!

@WampaCow: It's saved to the secondary account and the save file isn't locked to any account, so you can freely copy ot between accounts.

@WampaCow: Only progress is saved, probably only player one earns trophies.

@WampaCow: You can save other players progress by using other accounts in the system, even if they don't have a PSN account linked to them.

@ctorre: Looks like gamestop already has it online also.

Well, I discovered that Gameplanet is starting preorders for Castlevania:LoS, and I really want to preorder the collector's edition, mainly because of the soundtrack, but I must ask: Is the soundtrack a complete soundtrack of the game or just a small sampler with select songs?