
I was wondering if anyone would point this out, since everyone loves to pore over every new Hyundai for “copying” details from other cars (that are far from the only ones to have similar details). I don’t get into comparing specific details (although I swear I’ve seen that particular D pillar trim somewhere before),

I see the Buick Lacrosse

Definitely a Hyundai product. Just not as pretty as the Genny.

It’s a matter of civilization really. How a society treats its weakest; the sick, the elderly, the disabled, prisoners, you name it.

agreed. It’s infuriating that people have to go bankrupt or grovel to get medical care paid for.

Actually, and knowing very well I’m being a pedant here, everyone should. Everyone pitching into the risk pool to look after the sick and getting them healthy as quick as possible is better (and cheaper) for society as a whole.

The one downside to being an atheist is I can’t say “amen” to things like this. When did this country lose all compassion for their fellow human beings?

Seriously, no one should have to pay for necessary medical treatment.

Anyone who has ‘philosophical’ grounds for opposing universal government sponsored health care, needs to read this article, and contemplate the good fortune of their current existence.

Dead: A well-worn Jalopnik comment on every new coupe announcement.

That was my thought too...Honda cribbing from Hyundai.

It’s doing a wheely good job!

That moment when the title should be COTD.

I feel like a large proportion of the gifs that find their way into the lede image tend to be cut short of showing anything of substance. This is annoying. That is all.

Shifter looks like it is melting down the console.

“note to pendants: hyperbole at work”

I’d rather be the couple that was able to actually get home rather than being stuck in the woods?

It would be more poetic if you drove a tow truck.

Lol’d at “Isn’t that where they keep the runway?” What an awesome line!

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings