
Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Don’t forget that he actually seems to love Ferraris and isn’t buying them just to stick them in a climate controlled garage.

Isn’t this the type of individual that Ferrari SHOULD be selling the car to? He doesn’t seem like the type that is immediately going to hawk the car off for speculative purposes, and his willingness to put some mileage on his Ferrari collection means he is more likely to bring his cars in for authorized Ferrari

Not everyone wants GT power levels.

But I also know that there are a good number of you who secretly drive Camrys and also read this fine website.

+9.7 Wags Above Replacement

Me hate them.

Or carmakers could, ya know, design their infotainment systems to be customizable to the user’s preferences from scratch.

Well shit, I forgot about those stupid laws.

Your scenario is not legal in the US; local dealers have greased their state lawmakers.

Good for FCA for trying to crack down on these terrible dealership practices. Porsche could learn a thing or two.

I’m more annoyed because I don’t like the idea of tipping. I’d rather be charged a higher fare up-front than have to pay extra. Same with restaurants— I’d rather pay $12 for a burger instead of $10 if it means the waiters get paid a normal wage and I don’t have to tip.

Same. I liked how you can just jump into a car, get to your destination, walk out, and continue with your life. The app automatically settling everything.

I’m actually annoyed at this... I liked how Uber had no tipping feature, so tips weren’t expected. That was my favorite feature of Uber versus every other rideshare app.

Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.

Why not our Canadian friends to the north?

but Tesla, doesn’t call it “Autopilot”, Tesla calls it “semi-autonomous autopilot”, I think people who can afford a $100k car should be able to understand what semi-autonomous means.

The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.

Much like autopilot on planes, where the term originated. It’s arguable that the colloquial interpretation of the term means Tesla should have chosen something else, but it is hardly without precedent.

Read his post. Then read my post. I’m being pedantic about him splitting hairs between what is basically “fun in a car”. Of course drifting is unnecessary. So is racing. The necessity of it doesn’t determine if it is worthwhile.