That whole team clearly has a checkered past.
That whole team clearly has a checkered past.
This is so much better than Jezebel. Alanis isn’t posting pictures of Cars villians’ penises and then turning around and ridiculing media for sexualizing women.
If you can’t appreciate the ridiculousness of Automobile’s rebranding and an article calling it out for the bullshit that it is then... well I don’t know. Then *something*. Maybe you can figure out what the problem is here.
A million heart emojis to you
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s the reason she’s posting what she did.
The jerseys will be auctioned off after the weekend
I want all the players on one team to use each other’s names on their jersey just to confuse players and announcers.
Really the speed isn’t why they don’t run traditional tracks, the needed regeneration is. There’s a very specific criteria they use for the tracks so there are enough regen braking zones to keep the cars running. That’s why they run an alternative version of Monaco to my understanding.
Obviously they won’t go. No one in the NBA supports a travel ban.
I hope Porsche catches them and takes back the allocation.
whatever. She still won the popular slope.
To all of you Jalops that have always said “If only it was a wagon...”
Today is Tuesday.
Good for GM! Tesla was never about being the only player in this space, just one that would kickstart the changeover to electric from ICE. If the Bolt is great, well, great for the customer.
Sounds like you ripped him off and you’re proud of it.
They did, and did you buy one? I’m guessing that is a no.
A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.
I’m too lazy to do the math but it would be many more than 1.8 million Krispy Kreme gives volume discounts.