Bingo. He’s such a smart player and capable passer that you can’t double team him. He’ll find the open man. The only hope you have is the open man missing. But you also can’t cover him one on one. Which is why there is no stopping him.
Bingo. He’s such a smart player and capable passer that you can’t double team him. He’ll find the open man. The only hope you have is the open man missing. But you also can’t cover him one on one. Which is why there is no stopping him.
It sucks because he is a huge fan favourite and appears/appeared to be a pretty genuinely nice dude. Guess his true colours are coming out.
The guys whose parents can afford the equipment.
I’m sure they can feel your disappointment.
Seriously. I’m a huge Kobe fan but the key difference between the two is Kobe takes the shot while triple teamed. Lebron simply changes his game style and gets like 20 assists instead of 20 shots up.
“Car collectors say speed is the main reason the Skyline is banned. The vehicle, featured in the film “2 Fast 2 Furious,” can reach speeds topping 150 mph.”
Everyone likes to respond with “that’s so <my city>” when their city makes the news for something silly but the fact of the matter is most local city gov’ts are run with similar levels of nonsense and this could have happened probably anywhere.
Yeah, I think the headline should be, “Dumb City Doesn’t Put Up Signs Indicating They Intend to Pave Road, Then Pave AROUND a Legally-Parked Car, Resulting in This Innocent Kia Owner’s Big Surprise.” But I guess that’s a bit long for a headline.
She’s not an asshole obviously, and the city workers aren’t petty either.
She’s not an asshole. She parked legally.
Your analogy needs a little work.
Weird, so was I. It’s like going to a fast food restaurant, and seeing a dude that looks like me, eating what I was going to order!
Make me laugh. Thx.
I had never noticed that before...
Just spent sunday afternoon on the 80mph I90 in south dakota.
It was not awesome in any way shape or form.
Yes, the speed limit is 80 and yes, we spent a good portion of that time at around 88mph. Sadly, no time travel occurred and the freeway itself is still nothing more than a giant 4 lane straight line.
Wanna know…
At which point, the 85th percentile will go even faster. Because everyone knows the /real/ speed limit is +10.
Yeah but 1998 drivers were so much involved with that generous greenhouse, them absurdly complicated to operate manual transmissions and the lack of distraction their Nokia phones provided, they were only rarely involved in car accidents.
A K20A Type R swap is around $5k, not what I’d call “nothing”.