
"Ah yes, the Hammock Complex on 3rd!"

Lol, 2nd comment here to reference a hammock.

I almost stopped reading the comment section after this. Hilarious.

The model H.

Those wheels look very dated, for me these OZ's are timelessly cool and suit the escort down to the ground.

That's what I was thinking. Germanic style Volks. They look excellent

Don't get me wrong, the RS wheels look nice, but the Escort ones are perfect.

Dear Nick Kroll,

So, good luck with everything, buddy.

This is what you get when your country has a proper national anthem.

Raise your hand if you instantly recognize this as one of the thousands of variations of Skyline you've seen in Gran Turismo.

I, for one, see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act that would increase video surveillance of everything.

Well, now they are much more clear about it in the app. I feel like peoples criticism of the surge price in unfounded. Your options aren't cab price vs uber surge price, your options are

Agreed. Most people have a positive initial reaction to my FRS then they see that Scion badge and they almost laugh out loud.

Looks amazing aside from the fact that M changed the purple for dark blue.


The next dealer that receives an offer from Wilson should test him by demanding a SkyActiv Cosmo.