The older looks much better. Having said that, I'm so glad the slider is back.
The older looks much better. Having said that, I'm so glad the slider is back.
Or the rest of the front end, for that matter.
The whole rear of this car is perfect. The taillights are a nice demonstration of moving forward while maintaining a beautiful visual identity.
I haven't forgotten about Jake.
After re-reading that story, I've got a feeling that you should get the R8 to a place near Jake as well.
HaHaHa ... good one!
Doesn't make sense that a guy who spends so much time sitting couldn't write his own SAT.
in before Doug Demuro ghost writing.
That must be one hell of a fire extinguisher. For that kind of money, I wouldn't expect a fire extinguisher to just put out the fire, I'd expect it to capture the fire, re-habilitate it, and train it to be my personal valet. "Fuego, would you mind blackening this catfish for me? Fuego, this wound needs cauterizing —…
So is Durant signing with the Raptors next year or what?
Mercedes appears in Mario Kart
"Half her job was educating readers to a sport many were not yet acquainted with". Ahem. Mr Capitalofperu, . The Canadian population is every bit as knowledgeable about baseball as your average American, but it is most certainly not due to Alison Gordon (though she was certainly an excellent writer). It has more to…
I'd say Honda, wasn't it evident in that test with the CR-V?
So the doors don't lock and it has lifetime free maintenance, then?
Lundqvist's throat has now made more saves this year than Jonathan Bernier.
It's worth noting that after writhing around on the ice for 10 minutes, Hank stayed in the game, picked up the win, then started the next game and won. I'm still not sure he's actually human, or if he's a god sent to this earth to stop pucks.