
As a huge fan of the Genesis (well, what is now called the G80) and someone who really likes this design, I’m really looking forward to it. They’re going to have problems selling it because of the badge, but hopefully that becomes less of an issue over time - it seems like the G80 is selling quite well in its class

I know you want continuity within your brand, but with that front end they could honestly just call this thing a Civic XL (or GT if they want to sound upscale).

Better yet, how many would they have sold if it cost as much as a Fiesta? In fact (since costs are apparently irrelevant to this discussion), think about how much volume they’d have if they gave them away with every purchase of box of Captain Crunch?

His ludicrously pun-filled comment wasn’t actually a jab at their sales :)

It’s not my theory - in some places that’s the actual law. E.g. if a bus driver goes for lunch break in a random restaurant (read: off company property) and randomly attacks someone, the person can sue the company for medical bills and win because the principle is that whilst the company wasn’t at fault and wouldn’t

Because that person certainly has enough assets to properly compensate the victims who did nothing wrong?

They just don’t go around calling it autopilot.

I see. That’s why everytime it snows, the amount of accidents spike...

I agree 100%, and imagine how bad things may get if they keep driving in a straight line and fall right off the edge of the Earth!

All the people who normally complain about things not being strictly about cars all the time here might want to take note of the fact that only 4 out of the 10 were actually car stories (VW buyback, Tesla Model 3, BMW engines, Sherp AVT).

...whether on purpose or incidentally...

Uhhhhhhh Price was part of the heavily favoured Boston team that got swept in the first round and Sox fans are not at all happy to have him. Toronto’s pitching staff was consistently right at the top of the league and with the ERA leader and barely allowed Cleveland to score at all so of all the things, it wasn’t

So there’s time to send someone out for this but yet there was no one available to do any coverage of SEMA?

Are you seriously implying that those dogs are NOT good boys and good girls?!

Care to point out where I said they’re beyond criticism?

That’s what I’m saying. It’s the material of the key fob that really truly matters to the point where it can cheapen the entire experience of the vehicle - unless its a car hat is really liked here, in which case it “adds character”.

I’m disappointed a clock didn’t chime at the minute mark in the video.

Things that apparently do not matter to Jalopnik commenters:

I’m pretty sure that’s just normal depreciation.

Why’d they need 45 seconds?