
Yeah, other than for those with management issues who need something to give them a hard stop when they’re overspending (i.e. someone who treats a credit card like free money and doesn’t pay the full balance every month) I see no reason to use anything but a CC.

So demand exceeding supply = “disappointing sales”?

And what about sales of their actual vehicles? If I went to buy a Model S or X today, how long would it take for me to get one? Isn’t it months?

YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH BACKUP WRs. Especially when you get hit by a bye week that involves a lot of your roster. Jeez.

Tesla is struggling with sales?

Unless it is something heavy or bulky, I wouldn’t even think about using a car for a 10-15 minute walk.

I’ve never understood why top speed numbers beyond even 120 MPH matter for more than 0.0000001% of the population; acceleration is far more important to me.

Cliffs: Haagen-Dasz > *

Cliffs: It is better because it has a better camera than before, and it’s now water resistant like some of its competitors.

Yeah, Toronto’s had it forever too (although I’ve never wanted to try it).

Wow, it looks so much like the intentionally Jeep’d camo mule!

Photoshop the front badges away and show a photo of this, the Disco sport, the RR Sport and the RR Evoque.

It looks Tera-ble. Way too generic.

As a kid I used to call the BMW 740il the “seventy-four oil”, so I’ve decided to stick with it for the current generation.

Canada still has it.

Their Mardi Gras Mustard sauce is the best, bar none.

How come a rare handful of posts here have large images that almost fit the screen of a normal computer, while 99% of the posts here look like they were designed for a cell phone with small images and massive blank spaces on either side?

I think we need some more details about the last paragraph of that post...

Thanks. And when the real Supra hits the ground, you see the front wheels are stock Supra rims while the back are OZ Supeleggeras.

Wow, that was the final render of that shot? I don’t remember it looking THAT fake.