This AINEC. I think the plenum, although toned down now, really hurt Acura’s sales over the years and they’ve still stuck with it...
This AINEC. I think the plenum, although toned down now, really hurt Acura’s sales over the years and they’ve still stuck with it...
I was always a huge fan of the one before it, probably because of how good they were in the 4x4Evo video game.
This HAS to be #1. It went from subtle but a little stylish to look-at-the-sun-to-get-the-image-out-of-your-mind bad.
Every Gran Coupe looks much better than the sedan, so I’m okay with this.
So to summarize, paying more than $100,000 isn’t enough to be able to flout public laws, and police are unreasonable enough to expect you to behave appropriately, as if you weren’t rich? That’s disgusting! Why is Gawker talking about the thousands dying in India due to severe heat when this utter tragedy is going on?!…
You know the time taken to write that kinja comment could’ve just been used to type “Define:prang” into Google, right? It means crash.
Yeah, it sounds totally made up. With the volume of food they sell and the likeliness of errors leading to lawsuit, there’s a miniscule chance it happened once, let alone always.
Unless enforcement really kicks in (I wish it would) people are still going to use their phones, so at least this is better than that.
Another way to get messages to crash: using a 3rd party keyboard. The amount of times I have to double-tap home. swipe, and relaunch just because it doesn’t like Swiftkey...
Well, I’m Canadian so I think things are a little better. Our McDonalds seems to be quite a bit higher quality with 100% white meat nuggets, etc. It’s probably one of the reasons its also much more expensive here than there. They get deals like 20 nuggets for $5 whereas I think we pay that much for 6.
But that problem is completely avoided by buying Nexus phones....they’re direct from Google and they get the latest update with no additional software.
Is it what the average pro-browndieselRWDwagon’er who doesn’t buy the Toyabaru/G8/SS/etc. and then complains about manufacturers not caring about enthusiasts wants? No.
People looking to buy one should be happy to know that they’ll probably pay another 25K in markups consumer-friendly protection.
But then doesn’t that impact the resale value? I remember you saying that even something as simple as getting a flat tire fixed at a non-dealer could be a red flag to a buyer.
This is why I’m scared of partially autonomous cars. I feel safer with fully autonomous cars, but when the haphazard driver uses these technologies (like self parking) to replace a skill they don’t have rather than to increase convenience, it makes me scared.
I haven’t seen the documentary (…) as there are theories as to why it was crushed, but officially it was cancelled due to unprofitability.
The GM EV-1. Where would we be now if they were further developed rather than crushed? We’re seeing great strides lately (on the highend there’s Telsa, the 918, P1, LaFerrari, hybrid prototype racers, etc. and on the more practical end there’s the i3, Volt and Prius) but how much further ahead would be if we could at…
It’s all well and good until another LeMons team purchases your RV for $500.
Where did they go? I think they’re all still whining about how the Panamera looks and how the M3 is too heavy.
I guess they couldn’t find any white space in the market for it.