Is it real carbon fiber?
Is it real carbon fiber?
@Faxmonkey: To be honest, the black bumper case looks the best on the black iPhone IMO
@Molossus: Yeah I just realized that :/
I believe that "murky orange color" is supposed to be rosé, a type of red wine.
@ralph the robot: my iPhone 3G has some scratches and marks from my incase slider case.
This reminds me of all of the youtube videos of spoiled kids breaking a new Xbox 360.
My 3G took about an hour and 15 minutes, more or less.
I have to wait til I get back from Europe in August to get my iPhone 4
@ThomasWolfSwe: If you're interested, here is the original 1600x1405 image.
@Nick: and Sarah Palin.
I already color coordinate with my carpet.
Shouldn't Leela be Cyclops?
@superg05: They reseal the glasses.
These cases are baller.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: It really isn't that simple.