I thought the Libertarians were making progress, but then they went and Gary Johnsoned in the tub.
The smoke itself never bothered me all that much. It was having to wash or dry clean every last garment I wore into those places. No big deal if you were spending a night out raging, but for something like meeting for a drink after work it was such a drag. It was a good move.
I hated the NYC smoking ban when it was first announced, mostly because the mayor (bllomberg) was a douche. I was so mad I quit smoking. In hindsight, no, if you can change a workplace so that it’s safer for workers, you should do it. It was annoying for a while but eventually it became no big deal and people don’t…
Reddit is insanely useful though. Yes there are huge issues with abuse on the platform, but there’s also a ton of ultra-specialized content you can’t find anywhere else. I’m an IT sysadmin and consider Reddit to be an indispensable tool for supporting our various platforms.
Yes. Please burn Facebook to the ground.
But if they don’t use Roman numbers they’ll have to use Arabic numbers.
The absolute greatest thing Twitter could do would be to either ban Trump from it because he’s a bully, or, possibly even better, take away his verification checkmark just to troll him.
Ok, there’s no way that June Thunderstorm op-ed isn’t some sort of elaborate performance art piece. I refuse to believe these are the opinions of a real person. “June Thunderstorm” is clearly an amalgam of fifty different flavors of insufferable college student combined by computer into a gestalt entity intended to…
Came here to say this. When I first learned Roman Numerals, I did the math to see how long I’d have to live to see Super Bowl C, and they didn’t even give us Super Bowl L. Now there’s no reason to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Twitter and Facebook are a big part of the problem, and the sooner people realize that, the better.
I disagree about the roman numerals. You can’t just abandon something you have done for 49 fucking years because you suddenly don’t like the look of a solitary “L”. That was some weak shit. Either use the roman numerals or don’t, but be consistent dammit.
Also, parental crying shows that their actions actually have effects/consequences and that you’re not just making up rules to be a controlling hardass (this time). I’m an adult, and I still only care about what my mother says because my mom got upset when I didn’t listen while all my dad ever does is get pissy (which…
Also, I think it’s good for kids to realize that there are things parents care profoundly about that they also can’t control.
When the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup in 2011, it was my mountaintop as a sports fan. I’d been a season ticket holder for a decade, been through the canceled season, and all sorts of indignities. Beating Vancouver was better for me than 2004 for the Sox or 2001 for the Patriots. That entire summer I had this…
“I may have to wear some kind of arm diaper under this thing”
A few weeks ago, my extremely moody and snotty-ass 13-year-old was giving me the usual bullshit as I was asking her to put on her seatbelt (all the while, refusing to put on her seatbelt). I was just wrecked from everything, my job, the election, you name it, and I leaned over and screamed, “Put on your mother-fucking…