Riding the Toews

The BLS actually tracks those people who have stopped looking as part of its U5 and U6 rates

Is Marchman Samer’s dad?

Samer’s dad sounds like a nice guy, but he has a problem with the fowl language. You know, like the chickens and ducks are really getting disgusting. ;-)

Not even trying to make a joke here -- in all seriousness, why the fuck do you need an autopsy to tell that someone shot themselves in the head?

i did too damn it!

Better yet, Cockspin.com. Someone check to see if that’s already been taken

mommest tweet of all time

Peak mommying right there.

Pedantry alert

My mom owns me online constantly.

Damn, Ashley got “stick to sports”-ed by her own mom? Damn.

Not very sports related though

Wow lots of contenders vying for the crown held by Draper’s parents (hi Draper’s parents!) Burke’s dad trying to engender himself to the community too, great stuff this year.

Also, Samer’s dad reads Playboy for the articles.

My wife has a knack for winning radio promotions, somehow she’s always THE caller that wins. She’s gone to half a dozen free concerts, gotten numerous lunches, and she has some spa tickets she’s waiting to use.

Thank god. For a while there I thought I was being racist for thinking all the winners looked alike.

Haven’t seen someone spend this much time running around Philadelphia with inevitable disappointment on the horizon since Hillary Clinton.

Lists, Ranked:

Non-existent webpage for non-existent cereal.

This is just awful and wrong.