
The fact that they did this in the first place is a big f**k you to all the regulators. There is no way they didn’t know this was wrong.

Tesla is once again caught totally ignoring vehicle safety regulations and is given a slap on the wrist by the NTSB.

Yeah, it’s almost like Tesla just doesn’t care...

You are assuming they just blew up the car then walked away. Both the explosive guy and the Hydraulic Press guy do a lot of these videos and are very good at cleaning up after themselves.

You are assuming they just blew up the car then walked away. Both the explosive guy and the Hydraulic Press guy do a lot of these videos and are very good at cleaning up after themselves.

I’m thinking there is more to this story than we know. I’m also guessing once Tesla was involved the chances of getting it running were almost zero.

The explosives guy is a Swedish YouTube channel. He does a lot of work with the Hydraulic Press / Beyond the Press YouTube channels that are English language Swedish channels.

Befor you get your knickers in a twist go search YouTube for the Beyond the Press channel.

My fault..

Hey, what are those things in that little shelf like thing on the right? Not the pack of cigarettes,  the brown things.

Yes! I saw those before the blanking plate!

“Freelance Salesman”

There you go again, breaking one of the basic rules of social media. Now that you have posted this your family won’t have any chance in claiming a big fat payout if/when you die a horrible escalator related death..

Duh. My bad on that..

Citric, Sad Crying Clown in an ILX, ArcturianMegadonkey

At least in Michigan the lowest limit of insurance is P.L.P.D. or Personal liability Property Damage coverage.

No turbo 4 engine needed!

Hurricane = 100 to 160 mph wind for hours. Happen on coast of ocean with days of warning.

Just for extra fun can someone who knows the area give info on speed limits and average traffic? Just how much time would you need to spend in a vehicle to get this much mileage per week. From someone who has only seen NYC traffic on TV it seems like an average speed of double digits would be difficult.

Kinda like “My uncle bought a -insert name brand here- car in 1987 that was the worst car ever, I would never by a - -  car ever!”