
Not saying that Blatt's done a good job, but he was hired for a vastly different job than the one he has now. Originally, the idea was for the coach and roster to develop together. Now, the roster needs to win now and they have a coach that is still adjusting to the NBA.

Donald Sterling:

Now playing

I hear you and get the meaning, and it hits particularly hard as a Bears fan. Pardon the non sequitir, but this is probably just stating the obvious but I found it fascinating nonetheless, but Jack Gleeson, the guy who plays Joffrey, seems like an intelligent, decent guy in real life. It was kinda cool seeing his face

Your assumption here is a problem. You assume that the commenter is looking for a prize. They aren't. They are saying they don't need to apologize for sympathy and empathy which is offered without reward to all walks of life. That the automatic assumption (on your part, it would seem) that they are saying these

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,

I find most of this essay very powerful. One area I wonder about is where you think good white people feel like they should be rewarded - what should good white people do then? Not delete trolls? Not be outraged? Keep the outrage to themselves? I understand the frustration of people seemingly wanting to be

Thank the gods there are other people in the world who don't like those over-hopped Pine-Sol knockoffs calling themselves IPAs.

Any time I go to my local watering hole, I try something new.. (craft brew shop). Porters, stouts, even the occasional wheat beer... IPA you ask? Get that nasty shit out of my face and stuff it back in the stink hole from which it came. I would choke down a sour ale before an IPA touches these lips from the heavens...

I agree. As an alternative, make the official timeout a thirty second affair if it comes shortly after a team timeout.

I thought it was offensive when the officials by the goal line kept making that same gesture in St. Louis today. Enough is enough.

Gray has texted teammates - including Brady - to apologize. Hoping for an audience with Belichick this afternoon to do same..

It had been more than a full calendar year since the Raiders last won a game (those salad days of Matt McGloin and Rashad Jennings)

Just so we're clear:

"But it went way too far, and it wasn't very clear that it was a joke, that it was fabricated. If you read it, you might think that it was actually Tiger talking. The whole thing is completely ridiculous."

In his next essay, Tiger will prove that Swift's Proposal isn't Modest at all.


"Repeat forever" would be a good tagline for Destiny.

Just gonna throw this out there - 13 figures is on the order of what the U.S. government spent on bailouts post-2008 - i.e. in the trillions. A billion is ten figures (10^9).

You...don't really get how supply and demand works, do you?