
I mean...  clearly the person or AI writing this article hates fun.  I agree with all of those as being a blast!

“Any time anyone complains that today’s blockbusters are soulless, samey, hollow effects movies, force them to sit through the unholy trinity of Twister, Mission: Impossible, and Independence Day.”

Forgot about Jan 6th, did you?


He and his weak ego get owned constantly. 

Call them bigots and traitors. Because they are. 

We need to rename the word “ Conservative” because its more like “ Asshole”. Because literally anything and everything that comes out of conservatives, conservatives leader and conservative states are all mean, nasty, intentionally ugly and 100% based on revenge. Fuck them. 

On one hand, you have a point, and that taxes will need to be re-evaluated at some point regarding EVs. On the other, this all reeks of culture war bullshit.

Every GOP policy these days seems to start with the questions “What would an asshole do in this situation” and “Does this help big corporations and if not how can I alter it so it does?”  In this case, big oil.

Honest question — If Gas Tax is used to pay for highway infrastructure in the State and EV’s do not require Gas - thus the owners do not pay any gas tax to help pay for infrastructure. How do you propose the state collect funds from vehicle owners to pay for highway infrastructure?

.....the damage to the roads is done by overweight trucks.  TX going to increase fines for that?  Going to guess not.  

I love it when shows do that. I remember Doctor Who doing it several years ago with Mark Sheppard and his father, William Morgan Sheppard.

Ooh nice. And Wyatt is playing a younger version of him, so no deaging stuff.

This is actually the last movie of the new regime. Gunn had very little to do with it. Can io9 stop saying this is the first of the Gunn-era films? You said that on the advance reviews too, and people pointed out how wrong it was then as well.

So, there seems to be a big thread going through this trailer that we should be worried about Ahsoka fighting beard guy. Lots of “I won’t always be there to look after you” type stuff.

Complains about using “buzzwords” right, completely fails to even open a dictionary to see that groom means something besides conditioning a child for sex.

I’m glad Hayden is getting something of a redemption tour. Him nailing the timbre and delivery of Matt Lanter just sells it. 

I’m excited they did a cliffhanger. Even if we probably won’t see the resolution for a year and a half, it ups the stakes and I think the anticipation and speculation will be a lot of fun.

Counterpoint: no it’s not.