
This episode reminded me of a couple things that keep bugging me a bit.

Look, isn’t this the point where you make some mysterious prediction about my destiny? Man, don’t treat Bilquis like some passing plot point!”

He has a point. :P I’m glad she was able to rescue herself, but I’m still unclear as to why she was calling out to Shadow—just so she could give him a pep talk? Surely she

Shadow’s still working on himself, he’s not quite got to the point where he can fully walk away from all this god business. He just needs time.

Okay, but Justin Timberlake is still an asshole, right? #janet4eva

This Britney thing is really starting to disturb me. There are so many voices, so many “friends” and “exes” and “insiders”.

Thank you for the small reassurance in this dystopian hellscape. Not to mention, his sales were low in the first place so quadrupling them doesn’t mean much.

Not to underestimate racism in America, isn’t the spike in sales likely due to him being removed from the radio and streaming platforms? What fans he has now need to go and buy his music because they can no longer access it elsewhere.

Wait, who the fuck is bringing Miss Piggy in to this?!?

Need him as Walton Goggins' dad in something ASAP. 

AG is like an educational series on how not to produce/film/write a TV show. Seriously, actors will probably have a reunion at some convention 10 years from now and talk for hours about all the shit that went wrong.

(Marilyn Manson)

If she gets kicked out, it will be because of the negative publicity, splashing on their halls. It does still look bad, to have a pre-med flouting basic medical hygiene, right? I’m not being snarky, I seriously have no idea how low administrators will go in service of $$$.

I did read at least one version of the article, and the tone is quite snooty, like, we’re going to negate all that’s gone before and substitute this new reason because of course, the sculptures can’t be icons of religion, but a reflection on how heavy women needed to be to survive pregnancy. I got the impression of

She cries. She wants to come home.”

What’s age got to do with it? I’m over 50 and am ecstatic about this film, along with all my friends, of all ages.

Now playing

Turning crumbs into an imaginary banquet”...

Why are they still gonna execute her?

Thank you for teaching me the term hybristophelia.
I’ve been scrolling through her twitter feed and it’s... painful. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Particularly telling is that when asked about his history of price gouging she responds I wasn’t in his life when that happened” as though the power of her

Perfect choice of epithet. King Rat of the rat bastards.