
Now I need one of Lemongrab.

Interesting. Unless it's one of those Free To Play MMO limitations where you can either pay the fee to play the full game or play for free and you can only play as a robe (being worn by people actually playing the game).

Holy crap! That was him?! I remember that episode!

Snow: Cause I'm a HERO! And you're a HERO! And we're going to HEROCIALLY do what HEROES do. It's HEROISM! I'm Serah's HERO, and that's what a HERO does.

And here I thought recycling all my crap and getting a little over 1,000 gems I was kinda proud of myself, until most of the games that aren't total floaters are top bidding at 10,000+, so forget this.

Wait a minute. His name is "Pew-dee-pie"? I've been calling him "Pew-Die-Pie"!

So that awesome music from the trailer is from an actual band (65 days of static)? Thanks for the plug! I'm off to go give them my money now.

Here's hoping that by "Crash Bandicoot Revival" that doesn't mean Crash has circus stilt legs and Cortex is insanely roided.

Agreed. We've now been spoiled with this "new Cloud" and I can't picture him dressing in drag for Don Corneo, participating in the Gold Saucer Play with Aeris or riding the Gondola, even Chocobo Racing. And "new Red XIII" dressing in uniform to get on the Junon boat? Forget it.

I'm still holding out for old school battle arena stages to be added. Battling on the normal tracks still just doesn't feel right.

I do not see a portrait of Cloud doing squats against The Beautiful Bro in order to get a wig or trying on dresses with Aeris. This article is canceled! (rips it out of the Internet and throws it away).

I don't know if I can watch this unless someone can guarantee they're dancing to the "Super Mario Brothers Super Show" song.

I know it's Mistwalkers, But I would give anything for an HD remake (or sequel) of The Last Story.

Really? I never knew that. I just assumed it was Bizarro Serah or whatever. Didn't make it far enough to find out because I hated the battle system and "Death Clock".

lol, you beat me to this. But yeah, totally was thinking this too!

Those don't look half bad (I think I see Terra, Cloud, and Baltier on that second screen if I'm not mistaken). Speaking of Balthier, all 1's in Triple Triad?! Sephiroth's morning turd card doesn't even get all 1's!

Now what do I have to do to get the SSB announcer to read these? "Wide Hips Robot versus Giant Metal What The Hell Is That Blue Bug Creature With Tongue Scarf!"

I can live with Sonic's redesign but it's Knuckles that kills me. Another nail in the childhood coffin.

I kinda miss having Frank Woods (Black Ops) as a wingman but Balthier from Final Fantasy 12 is just as good.