yeah you’re right battlefield 4's launch is definitely ruining all the excitement for battlefield I
yeah you’re right battlefield 4's launch is definitely ruining all the excitement for battlefield I
you gotta be super dumb to think that's the reason
Oh it's going to be a full priced disaster
pretty dumb take
downwell for me
it's so out of touch and borderline grimey
no you wouldn't
wait what
it's soooo good
you sound pretty fucking dumb
I think your aunt has done a poor job raising her dog. And worse, your parents, for raising someone who doesn't love dogs
for some reason you had to email Amazon to ask them why they weren’t shipping at release and then they’d overnight it. Mine wasn’t supposed to ship until today and arrive on Thursday but then I saw people of neogaf saying they were offering release day shipping if you ask so I emailed yesterday morning and the game…
great game, had an incredible time co-oping it. co-ops only local unfortunately
I smell a sitcom!
wow really going out on a limb with that gut feeling. just a hunch but I’m thinking overwatch might be decent and these blizzard guys might have a future in games
no idea why you'd be interested in buying a game that's clearly closer to being hot garbage at recently than anything else