
This year’s nominations were kind of garbage. It’s like these people only watch the 10 most popular shows on TV and can’t bother to stray into the truly great, original content. And I’m a MASSIVE Game of Thrones stan, but there’s NO REASON ON EARTH it should have won the big award this year, especially over The

I fucking love Thandie Newton and I’m soooo happy she won!! But Sandra Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ughhhhhhhh ://////

Please let us know when you finish the fanfic. :)

Seems quaint, doesn’t it?

remember when we thought he was the worst thing to happen to Amerika?

What can I say? I know what the kids like. 

Exactly, like it makes you SOOOO much of an adult to have sex. There are people fucking right now that have a lower IQ than the MPG of the trucks they’re fucking in.

Take your star and go.

There were some. I remember one that was literally just the Downward Spiral cover on white. 

Take your damn star.

And here I thought cranberries floated.

1990-1996 was Prime NIN shirt time. I remember being in middle school and all I wanted was a NIN shirt. Now I have disposable income and a plethora of them!

But every time your house burns down it regenerates.

In-N-Out has and will always be garbage. The novelty of fresh potatoes being cut right there is just aesthetic, they taste like nothing. It’s all bland and boring. If I am going to eat shit food I am going all the way. 

The older Mulder doll looks like he should be on Westworld.

Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

This was the one I was wondering about as well. He admitted that he was a heel, and apologized to the person he wronged, not the public of outsiders who are the judges of his character going forward.

Actually he did that before the article came out — which is one of the reasons that is the one story I refuse to group in with the #metoo stuff, and he’s the one person I think whose career should be minimally effected by this. He reached out to her the day after their date to see how she was, she told him she felt

Isn’t that what Aziz Ansari did immediately following the article that tanked him - it was said he reached back out to the woman and apologized personally and profusely - and yet... he’s still not forgiven?

Don’t worry, the president will do something about it. Try to ban game tournaments...