
In her scenes with Ford, Delores is nude but her nudity is alluded to, it’s implied. But Maeve Millay however is not afforded the same treatment. As a viewer, I found that to be a real problem.

I love seeing some rockin’ tits and ass and all sorts of orgiastic happenings, but I barely paid any attention to that. I was focused on what was going on with the characters at the orgy, the ones not participating in it. The orgy was just background and really wasn’t all that interesting or even in your face.

“Amateur”? He’s actually a classical composer on the side.

After that scene my husband (theatre major in college - not that it really matters) exhaled and said, “Wow. Anthony Hopkins is SO GOOD.”

Dude is DEFINITELY playing a bad guy. You don’t seriously think Arnold’s death was an accident/suicide, do you?

The unfortunate Hemsworth

Wherever my earthly remains wind up, I hereby give eternal permission for any and all orgies to be held close by.

I’m not so sure he isn’t a bad guy, he starts out as kindly old man but then gets darker each episode.

I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that Hopkins’ character is, in fact, the bad guy.

i can’t breath during his sceens, last week and now, whats next??? He deservs all awards.

Oh god this scene was so amazing. Both Hopkins and ERW....GUH. The way she deadpanned those final lines. “I didn’t tell him anything.” And that whatever happened between Ford and Arnold, Dolores seems to be one of the few connections he still has with his former partner. BUT WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!?

Nothing says Sodom and Gemorrah-level depravity like “full-frontal dong footage” i.e. “dongage”. When you start seeing dongs on TV, you know that party is OFF THE HOOK!

he is amazing, i got chills down my spine

Is this orgy programmed to go on at Westworld every night? Whats the guest-to-host ratio? If you’re a guest at the orgy, can you get a random host to go gay if you request it? Wouldn’t there be federal laws in whatever alternate American universe this is to regulate mass robot sex?

Comic Sans was right there.

The laws generally refer to any photography. Selfies are not the real problem. It probably should still be illegal to photograph someone else at a voting place. Anonymous voting is important to avoid somebody influencing your vote. If a union, your boss, the mob/gang/bingo club can photograph every ballot, then they

The most unrealistic thing which gives it away right from the start, is the idea of anyone that obsessed with Slender Man having a girl friend for that long.

He was a good guy in “The Mask of Zorro!” Which I actually saw as a kid before I saw “Silence of the Lambs,” so I wondered for a while why nobody ever just saw him as an affable hero type.

Let me tell you about this stupid movie. They filmed it in Atlanta, and without notice, closed down the I-75/85 ramp from Freedom Parkway at Boulevard on a Saturday, and we were stranded for over an hour. People were getting out of their cars, it was really bad, even for Atlanta traffic.

in 10 years from now he’ll be on another successful show