
I think they are just trying to rebrand themselves as an information technology hub

Goddamnitt. Millihelen’s the only place I’m not grey.


Man, I can’t wait to see Samsung, I mean Chrysler, I mean The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2.

Did she remain upright at least?

I agree. I’m bisexual, and I’ve had many lesbians accuse me of being on a “tour” whenever they found out I’m bi. It’s disheartening, and frankly insulting to me and my girlfriend. Bi erasure is a real thing! But we certainly don’t face the same sort of violence that our trans friends face.

As a bisexual cis woman, I do often feel erased from LGBT discussions but it rather pales in comparison to the issues trans men and women face.

My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.

I like YF, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Blazing Saddles.

Because it’s a sign the movie will actually happen?


Can you teach my son to clean? Then I wouldn’t mind so much that he lives at home.

I am currently my mothers caregiver and I am 41. I do it because I love her and refuse to put her in a nursing home. But I wouldnt say I gladly do it. There is something deeply depressing wiping your mothers nether regions every time she has to pee or poop. that and applying ointment to yeast infections, changing

Im 27 and still at home. Its not something im proud of or anything like that. Its hard nowa days, rent is expensive, and its hard to find a job in Michigan. I could get a second job but im planing on going back too school. Its not smart i waited this long too go back but that was a bad decision i made few years ago.

Could be worse, you could have reproduced and had a child on the same birthday. It happens. Think on that.

Um, I share a birthday with an ex-boyfriend’s wife. It bothers her a lot.

I see what you mean, but I understand this in a way that she didn’t bother to acknowledge the fact and/or take down the unfortunate post. or maybe I am reaching.

Now can we all stop vilifying people who live in their mothers’ basements by cracking jokes about virgins and labeling them all shitlords and losers? Hey Hollywood: not everybody who had to move back home is a Cheeto-fingered, Dew-swilling man-child.

wasn’t it also the post-WWII boom that added to the whole “get out on your own when you’re 18” phenomenon? it’s “easy” to be on your own when you can get a relatively unskilled but decent-paying manufacturing job with nothing more than a high school diploma, if even that.