
Stop trying to make sex-bang happen. It’s not going to happen.

I didn’t know that was a thing. THANK YOU!

Most of the reviews i’ve read (not this one though, surprisingly) mention that the graphics on the Vita version are MUCH better than the’s a shame though if you don’t have a vita. I’m not sure how these games will fare on PC.

I’m suddenly extremely horny. Thanks.

That would be significantly more tolerable than 500 days of Kristin. I was so overjoyed when that was over.

I actually saw the movie last night, and besides some not so great performances I thought it was great. There’s alot of fan service for Warcraft/WOW players and the costumes and special effects were amazing. I don’t really understand the hate from Kotaku about it in EVERY article that references the movie.

There’s a theory I can get behind....makes so much sense!!

I am SO happy this game is going to be released in the US on Vita! It’s right up my alley!

So...this is basically mobile Tomodachi Life?

Sex-Bang? Oh god I get so sick of Jezebel sometimes....

Always Sometimes Monsters is very thought provoking and can easily be completed in a night. It’s also only $2.49 on Steam. I’m really glad to see the Stanley Parable on this list. That game changed the way I think about video games.