Minivan owner likely means you aren’t shooting blanks, so that’s a plus.
Minivan owner likely means you aren’t shooting blanks, so that’s a plus.
So what does my 2005 old lady blue camry say about me? 🤔
Joke’s on them, I have a small dingus and exclusively drive hatchbacks.
They’re lesbians?
Everyone knows the results already.
Can they do a study on small dicks and bro trucks next?
My reasoning here is the big endurance race series aren’t EV only.
It's not just apartments, it's any home with off street parking. Many townhomes, condos, row houses, and even some single family homes have no easy way to access charging at home. I think writers like this forget the variety of housing situations we have in the US.
Infrastructure is really not a big deal unless you live in an apartment.
While the only 2 choices are Electrify America or give more money to the planet’s biggest douchebag, I’ll stick with my ICE. Add to that the cold weather issues. Good article also.
The lack of infrastructure plus the effect of cold weather on EVs are major detractors. Motor Trend just posted something about their experiences which confirms a lot of what my friends with EV have said:
I love that you did all this math and didn’t come to the conclusion that your power company is screwing you. The national average is 23 cents, man. I live in a state that’s wildly above the average, and it’s... 33 cents. Get some solar panels: They’re screwing you.
The EV lovers don’t want real facts but thank you for presenting them.
base rate is BS since you never pay just that. You should take the whole bill and divide it by KWH. That’s your real electricity cost.
My total electrical bill is somewhere in the 100 to 120 range. That’s two fill-ups of gasoline. And I use electricity for nearly everything in the home besides plugging in my car for over 7 hours each day. There is something totally wrong with this article.
Just because your electric is almost 4 times the national average doesn’t mean the math doesn’t work for everyone that buys an electric car. I pay Just under $0.11 per kWh so my EV makes perfect sense. You’re also comparing an EV to a hybrid, not an EV to a ICE vehicle so your results are not the norm for most of…
My Volt cost 10.8¢ to run on 100% gas (not including preconditioning) or 6.9¢ to run on electricity (including charging losses and preconditioning). YMMV.
EV’s already make sense from a price perspective. It’s just that people automatically rule out vehicles like the Leaf and Bolt because they are econoboxes and they don’t actually care just about price anyways.
Sounds like she could be jalopnik writer of the month lol