Most drivers in America don’t, why should Tesla be any different?
Most drivers in America don’t, why should Tesla be any different?
I dont like much about Tesla, but they’re spot on with their dealer model. “Here is our car, here is the price. Sound good?” much better than having to cross-shop various dealer inventories in a 300 mile radius to find the cheapest example of the car you want spec’d the way you like it, and then convincing the dealer…
So you want to pay a middle man so you can feel like you got a better deal than you did?
I do. I would rather buy a car from a MF (that's manufacturer) today instead of a dealer.
Episcopals are no good at grifting. Take the $4000 and give it to Joel Osteen for grifter lessons and you’ll be flying around in a helicopter in no time. God willing.
Yeah, that is one of those “how to get robbed” listings.
Yeah, in zero worlds is that a legitimate listing. If I saw that car for that money I’d be tripping over myself to buy it.
Yo, a 2015 accord for $3600? I’ll take 2 please.
Man. Apparently people sure have lots of convincing rationalizations to get out of taking responsibility for their actions! Carry on and hope you don’t get in any ‘accidents’
Only 90? They must not have been in a hurry.
If it’s not normalized by population, those are just the three highest-population states.
Laughs in Vermont and Montana, we don’t see the asphalt until spring, aka mud season.
Would the accidents have occurred had the roads not been icy?
I used to live in Dallas. One time I was going south on I-35, just south of the Northwest Highway intersection, and a multi-vehicle accident occurred in my lane right up ahead of me. Bam! Bam! Bam! as the cars in front of me collided. The traffic was thick, I didn’t have time to look to the left, but I yanked the steer…
Back in the mid ‘90s I spent a year working in Dallas. One winter morning there had been a snow storm and there was a thin coating of snow and ice on the road. I had no problem getting to the office in my front wheel drive rental car, but I did have to weave around the two wheel drive pickups that were stuck at the…
I suppose if you live in a predominantly dry climate that generally stays above freezing all winter, purchasing high quality tires and paying attention to your tread depth probably dont rank very high on the priority list. Plus they tailgate at 85mph on a daily basis. Oof.
Now, with AWD, there are just more drivers overconfident in their vehicles with less clue about what’s going on between the rubber and the road.
The average Texan has no idea how to drive in icy conditions.