
*hurls children into back seat/bed*
*hurls wallet into gas tank*

Porsche has been achieving Lexus levels of reliability over the last decade”


Restaurant edition.

Too heavy to be blown around, tall enough for flood waters.

Looks like it’s 2015 Cayenne Diesel time for you !

counterpoint: every action movie where they run to prove their innocence? everyone can run. Innocent if they feel like they won’t be fairly tried and guilty if they just don’t want to face consequences. 

Yeah, that’s not true. That’s the same thing as saying “the innocent have nothing to hide” while trying to circumvent people’s rights.

Also, innocent people have damn good reason to run from a system that is heavily biased against the accused, since the Japanese court system has conviction rate of over 90%).

I have no idea how guilty or not Ghosn is, but uhhhhh yeah, innocent people with the means and ability absolutely DO run if they think the justice system they are subject to isn’t gonna give them a fair trial.

Whatever Ghosn actually did, I do not trust the Japanese justice system, so I can understand why he would go to such great lengths to get out.

Cool, so we’re just going to arrest and extradite someone for being an accomplice in the flight of someone who was likely set up by a foreign government?

I think the issue is that Tesla basically stole. They took something that no longer belonged to them.....the software WAS purchased and transferred. Then Tesla just went and stole it.

Honda cannot up and remove the software that controls my infotainment system in my car since I was not the original purchaser. That is removing a tangible feature of the vehicle.

Car manufacturers have made claims they still own the software in the car as to not allow people to tinker with it, but they cannot just up

Right, because a typical pre-purchase inspection includes confirming that features listed on the original window sticker haven’t been remotely removed from the car by the manufacturer, and any used car buyer who fails to have one of these mythical pre-existing feature inspections performed deserves what they get.

I think it’s MB’s attempt to help with this.

The variable center of gravity system is shown in the image right below you wondering what it is.

Bu, bu, bu, but they’re supposed to own Tesla and make Elon eat 💩!

Average trips, yes but longer trips do happen occasionally. Plus this thing is a 4 seat 4 door, not some exotic race car that sits in the garage except for short trips to pick up gold diggers at the local overpriced nightclub.

You’re talking to somebody who predicted Tesla would fail imminently in September 2018.

Porsche talked all that trash, and then when it came to the most important metric for an couldn’t beat vehicles 25% of it’s price?! Congrats’ll be the fastest EV alright...from charging station to charging station. Go take several seats!