
Texans also unhappy about laser pointers aimed at their quarterback’s face. At least nobody got hit by a bag of urine.

Nobody’s offended that MS apoligized, they just think it’s stupid. There’s a pretty big difference.

The real problem is that stupid shit like this simply detracts and dilutes actual problems related to such issues. That’s one of the reasons you get so much push back. If you keep hunting for reasons to be offended people eveutslly just say “Fuck it” and quit trying not to offend.

I don’t see it as an error at all because that implies there was something wrong with it in the first place.

More likely that they figured it was a good phonetic way of spelling the sounds zombies traditionally make.

*sigh* What ISN’T perceived as a racial slur these days? Everyone is so damn sensitive over everything these days, that they just make up sh*t to be offended of even when its not at all meant to be offensive.

Can’t wait to tackle real world problems once all the perceived problems have been addressed.

Omg, fuck people.

Fuckin hell, what aren’t people apologizing for? if you cant say words that dont even mean the slur a majority of people think they mean AND we cant say made up words that maybe kinda look like a slur, what the fuck hope is there?

It’s Christmas, so time for special snowflakes.

I remember when Deadspin was the place to visit for snarky sports coverage. Now, every other entry is this fucking bullshit political commentary. If only there were still sports being played.......

god damnit i wish gawker would come back so all these shitty politics SJW writers would leave deadspin

Hey, think of the up side. You will get more clicks ranting about the Trump administration than you ever did ranting during Obama. And you’ve always got squats and yogurt rants as a sideline.

It’s over. Let it go man.

You call yourself a journalist?

Can you at least give credit to the commenter in the previous article that mentioned Pseudobulbar effect?

what’s wrong deadspin??? Salty there is a new president elect? lol

HamNo is a cunt.

Well balanced political article, as usual, not!

This is what I immediately pictured.