
I just want to thank you for the easiest to read post (and graph) I've seen in a while.

Ouch. I let go of Mario and Link a long time ago and Nintendo's arrogance during the peak of Wii-mania didn't make me a fan, but this is still very bad news.

I know there are probably great valets out there. I know you exist! But I AVOID establishments that make you give up your keys for someone else to park your car.

Wow. That doesn't sound like fun at all.

Uugh. The things people do to get some spotlight nowadays. I don't think the kid should be suspended but, it's just a bad look to put someone on the spot like that. Kid should grow some balls and actually ask someone without having that fleeting youtube spotlight shining on.

I'm STILL looking at that darn owl. @__@

I can't stop looking at that owl...

I think it means 4-star? I'm not sure...

May the force be with this little dude. Always. My condolences to the parents.

Xbox One, becuz Titanfall. Itching to get a PS4 as well. Just waiting for a nice Infamous: Second Son bundle somewhere.

This goes without saying, but people still need to be reminded: Don't wear anything you don't understand. If someone asks you and you shrug, you FAILED. Plain and simple.

I've seen a whole team coordinate and explode their titans all at once to take down a dropship. It didn't work as the timing was off, but the fireworks was awesome. I was on the opposing team and didn't make it to the ship but saw the whole thing.

This is nuts. I have to keep telling myself the game is running in real-time.

I've always told people this and I get this weird response. Basically, I want to be right in the middle of giving just the right amount of taxes so I can take home more and get a smaller refund back.

As a parent, this makes me very sad and I pity these people who post on Facebook about something so, soooo trivial.

Wouldn't it be better to address just some of the West's sensibilities (not all, which that's why we love JRPGs — because of the "J") and spend some time/money on localization? And if I sound naive, it's because I am and I don't know much about what Japanese game companies and their business.

I was a big fan of the show, but like many, just fell off. I even watched a few episodes of this season, knowing it was their last. But it never held my interest. I was planning on watching the series finale, but got busy. And reading all these spoilers without a care, pretty much sums up how I feel about this show.

Thanks for this review. I binged on all the episodes in about 2-3 days and was sad it was over. Will there be a second season? I seem to be asking that alot.

I have been a loyal Monoprice customer for years. I can attest to their quality. I don't really do anything that will test their durability, but all the cables I've bought from them have given zero issues thus far.

I get that cultural views are different all around the world. People take marriage seriously or not so serious with plenty of gray in between. But I can't, for the life of me, think that murdering your own children is in any way, an out for saving face.