
If you ever get the Astros before me, please post back and let me know your thoughts. Those things ain't cheap.

THANK GOD for this article.

This is why gamers can't enjoy nice things. There will always be someone clever/bored/stupid to troll you into ruining your fun.

This is strictly my opinion and I consider myself tech savvy, but I think Google glass will always be creepy.

My favorite time-waster ever (214 hours before I quit — damn you Monoblos heart!) on a handheld I've never owned. *sigh*

This is GENIUS.

I just watched a GoPro docu-mercial for some guy that befriends wild lions. Seeing them jump at him to cuddle/snuggle when they meet him in the bush was both fascinating and terrifying. This makes me feel the exact same way.

I hope not.

Um, why can't she just have these actors pose together? Scheduling logistics? I use Photoshop (I'm a graphic designer) but reality is always better than anything Photoshop can spit out.

Having seen and played Guacamelee, this artwork is gorgeous and I can't wait to see it in motion.

I agree. If the big manufacturers made no-frills, but beautiful HDTVs, I'd be all over it.

Why, oh why did I click on that shit. *sigh*

Look, I'm a big Minka fan, but that exchange between her character and Kennex was awkward in a "I-can't-look" kinda way. At least to me.

I hate to say it but until the maturity level gets better, any gamer with an internet connection, keyboard and screen will keep trolling for lolz. Someone needs to slap 'em upside the head and rip up some of that entitlement BS they like to wave about.

If it's their pain, their story and their life they want to share online, LET THEM. They have as much right to post what they want online as I do to care or not to care. But to judge someone's way of coping with pain and helping others? Must be nice up in that ivory tower…

These are awesome. Thank you, Peter Mayhew, for sharing.

ALWAYS check your backseat. Always.

I'm curious, too but yeah… there's this dread that I can't shake so I'll just live with the ignorance of not knowing how chimps hunt and eat monkeys.

I actually did repair it for $50, but the guy said it was temporary and the can give me a warranty. A month and a half later, it died again. So instead of getting it fixed again, I just gave up. PlayStation Now is great since I don't have to get a new PS3 and just play those games I missed on a PS4.

Thanks, I guess I missed that really long blue link. :)