
Some thoughts:

Part of the hate is that a practice mode has JUST been made available. This game was shipped half-baked and now that it's out in the wild, devs are making changes that should've been done and/or addressed while still in their hands.

People that leave smell trails makes me think they're covering up heavy body odor.

The pic and Fast & Furious quote did me in. Thanks for making my day!

It seriously looks like some dude in a bunny suit, chillaxin' in the sink. So yeah, the headline nailed the whole mesmerizing/horrifying hook. I can't unsee this but I take full responsibility for it.

Sorry, Bats. But where I'm from, gangstas don't wear cowls. Just sayin'.

Yeah, reading this and other articles about Glass, this tech isn't something I look forward to engaging and dealing with.

C'mon, people. If something is that important, stop walking and find a space away from foot traffic so you can finally like something that couldn't wait.

I bet that jacket's like, "PHEW! So much work to keep those things IN."

Does he not have any friends with common sense that could've told him that she was just brushing him off? I consider myself pretty dense, but if a girl gives you very vague info about herself when you ask, that means she's just not that into you.

Does rice have a smell? WTF.

Hi all. I need some advice. Going through some shitty life-changing things this holiday and I need a distraction from it all. Would this game keep me entertained for a few months? It seems like it, but I want to know what the gamers playing this think. Is it too addicting? Is it not addictive enough? I'm ok with

I got sent a two 360 controllers from by mistake. The package had no return address or invoice. With the help of an Amazon phone rep, we figured out the tracking number's location, but no one specifically. I even checked if my account got hacked (which would be odd to send ME something) but it wasn't.

Oh shit. :(

Weird. I actually watched the first few episodes of Season 1 last night, just because. As much as I'd love to see the characters on-screen one last time, I think the ending was poignant and satisfying.

SHE is awesome.

I honestly had no idea Jay Mohr was still employed to be funny.

I'm going through a major life restart so I'll definitely check this out. Thanks for the recommendation. Oh and btw, your screen name makes me miss my 1997 Integra sooo much, lol!

I seriously forgot it was coming to both. I want the exclusive content that's coming (first?) to PS4 and there are some Sony exclusives that I want to play, too. But Titanfall is definitely my entry to next-gen. Both boxes are definitely going to be in my livingroom by the end of 2014.

Well, that settles it. I'm getting an Xbox One for Titanfall in March, with a few months to enjoy it, then get a PS4 for Destiny late summer/early fall. Win-win.