
Totally. Hell, I'm like that. I feel like a failure when someone confides in me and there's nothing I can do about it. Took me a while to figure out that, hey... just listening, hanging out and buying them a beer does a lot. And that's where I'm at right now. Heh, I've watched more movies in theaters more the last

From Edge's article:

I was more disturbed about how she easily she flipped from her boyfriend/husband watching soccer, to playing Dead Rising on her XB1 account. That would piss me off immensely.

Does the game still randomly drop connection, losing any credits (sorry, forgot the NFS: Rivals term) that you've earned while racing/evading cops? Cuz that's a huge deal breaker to me. Is a patch incoming or is that just something NFS owners just have to deal with?

I appreciate the advice and kind words — I know what I'm in for posting personal shit in the comments so I'm glad I got an understanding ear at least for now, lol!

So... hypnotic...

Wish I read this post sooner. After 7 years, the wife called it quits. I asked if we can make arrangements to part after the holidays and her reply was, "Why wait?". Yeah…

I think that shows she's only human and as such, can sometimes succumb to her emotions. I think this makes her even more relatable.

She actually tweeted that she visited a fan in the hospital — I didn't know she did all of this with the kids and staff. She's awesome.

I just spent like five minutes cursing at Tina on XB1 Skype…

Well, so much for an new Gears of War any time soon. :(

I know it sucks but people who are hard up for a console should've preordered.

It only takes a few a-holes to ruin it for everyone.

Wow. So both have issues. I guess it's best to buy some extra warranty protection from the retailer you bought it from. Looks like it might be worth it.

When "u mad" came on, I have to be honest, I giggled like a little schoolgirl. So hysterical.


Wow. My head hurts knowing someone out there is buying a friggin' achievement.

It boggles the mind why things are changed when they were perfect when left alone. I mean, where was the poll that said the START button needed to be done away with?

It boggles the mind why things are changed when they were perfect when left alone. I mean, where was the poll that said the START button needed to be done away with?

Um, why does it even matter? Pick your box, buy it, play it and get off the internet.