I actually turn it off when I can .
I actually turn it off when I can .
I like how the new controller is much more streamlined. I still reserve judgment until I get my own dirty fingers on it, but it looks comfortable to hold for long hours. I didn't really care for the battery pack bulge, but I never, ever remember saying, "Man, I hate this lump on the back of my controller."
I'm one of them. Got an app called Shopkick, that gives you points for walking in and out of specific stores. I work close to all of 'em (Best Buy, Old Navy, Target, Macy's, etc.) so I can rack up points in a month or so for a $10 Gamestop gift card. Called to see if they had a used game. Employee said they did. Asked…
That sucks, man. I seriously hope karma pays them all a visit that they'll never forget… in a bad way.
No worries, man. At least you owned up to it. I'm not much of a gearhead either, but just looking at the pictures and seeing body panels held together by wood screws is enough to give me chills... in a bad way.
I agree. Even if Kinect is connected to every single XB1, that doesn't necessarily mean everyone will use it and like it, nor will it mean great games are automatically gonna show up to take advantage of it.
At least they didn't just include it for the Day One boxes. That would break the internet.
Anyone else liking Boom! Studios' Six Gun Gorilla? Love Jeff Stokely's art and the story seems really interesting (only 2 issues in). Oh and Jae Lee's Wonder Woman is pretty awesome.
Seeing Dragon's Crown gorgeous graphics and effects, I can't help but wonder how a Final Fantasy game with this graphics engine would be? And no, the sorceress/Lightning comparison didn't enter my mind until after I typed that sentence.
I read Kohler's piece about this whole issue with Lightning's chest and I do agree with him. I'm playing FF13 for the very first time and I'm enjoying myself (other than Vanille's weird voice/accent/behavior). So it's a bit shocking to see such a stoic character like Lightning devolved into a pair of breasts. I get…
I owned an Acura Integra GS-R for 14 years and I still don't know what GS-R meant. I have a Mazda3 S Touring right now. I could've gotten an S Grand Touring, but… being grand seemed obnoxious to me.
It's tough to blame the women about not knowing their rights as far as being searched. I'd probably comply with anyone who has a gun because I just don't want to set them off, even if I am politely stating my rights.
Exactly. A variable suspension that is tuned safe for the road and aggressive for the parking lot or show is what I give props for. Riding too low on a public road is just unsafe. Period.
I like the look of a stanced car, but it isn't safe. I shake my head when I see some !@#$ driving around, bouncing all over his/her lanes, cutting people off when all it takes is a big pothole to ruin everyone's day.
I'm definitely with you. No signal is ever so obvious as a "No" and all involved parties know where each other stands.
No, it looks like reflections from the poles on the other side of the walk.
Angel Beats broke my heart… in a good way. I still listen to the songs since they were so good. I recommend watching The Devil Is a Part-Timer! when you get the chance. You won't regret it!
And I think Jalopnik accomplishes that by being transparent. I don't have issues with it and it's actually enlightening to know what kind of lengths motor companies will go to to shine the brightest spotlight on their cars.
I'd have to agree. It's all in the delivery and the proper way to talk about what the reviewer disliked about the game as well as pointing out some positives. I don't think it's difficult to be honest, yet professional.