
It's the fact that something or someone else controls when you can play a single-player game. I know that my internet connection is pretty stable (as I assume the majority of gamers living in metropolitan areas are) what happens if things go down on Microsoft's end? What if they have to shut down said servers for

I KNOW I'll hate myself for watching every. Single. Trailer. 100x each. Because it'll spoil the movie. And hell, it's just a few days away, I can wait, right? But I can't stop. I can't do it. Help?

As a parent, I honestly don't know how this happens. I'm most definitely prone to forgetfulness, but I look at my rearview mirror so many times when I'm driving that it's hard not to notice anything in my backseat. And when I leave my car, I always check to make sure I didn't forget anything so I always take one last

This is exactly my plan for the next few months and wanting to replace my YLOD PS3 — wait for any price drops then plan on taking advantage of any Black Friday Deals this fall. I'll get new hardware to last me until the PS4 becomes affordable… whenever that may be.

I love cars and seeing someone slowly destroy a car's fender, undercarriage, tire sidewall, etc. for aesthetic appeal doesn't make any sense to me at all, not to mention that it's extremely unsafe.

The last few moments of the first episode will haunt me forever. I kept thinking, "Nowaynowaynowaynoway… aaaaghhh, myeyesmyeyesmyeyes!!"

*Looks up. Reads post. Keeps on waiting for new Attack on Titan episodes.*

I think the dependence on electronics is getting a little ridiculous. If this lock fails, for whatever reason, I can't get into my house. Worse yet, someone can manipulate it to open it up to whoever has the knowledge to hack into it.

I give this the best drift video award, for the simple fact that there's no friggin' dubstep track to be heard. Florence and The Machine is a nice touch.

I actually liked this movie.

I think there was a picture of this thing online, just sitting on a white table — Hands Free Whopper Holder. I thought, "What the hell?"

Not just you. I hate reading an article and then there's this big break with a new headline that I half-read, before I realize it's an old related article, instead of part of the post I'm reading. It's distracting, for sure.

The only 3D that ever mattered to me, personally was Cameron's Avatar.

Got tired of waiting for this phone to come out on Verizon (been a customer for almost 3 years and still have my first Droid Incredible). I can't believe I watched the stream of their CTIA conference, only to see J. Lo and nothing else about the HTC One on their network.

I literally left my house to get this comic at my neighborhood comic book store minutes after seeing that image — I didn't know anything about this series at all until reading this post and getting a glimpse of the artwork.

Do people still put weight on gamerscores? I mean, I'd see a high gamerscore on a particular gamertag and be like, "Wow", for a half-sec and go about my business. On the flip side, I've had my 360 since late 2006 and to date, I only have about 7000 points. I try to play a lot of games, but getting achievements are

Part of me wishes Monster Hunter releases a console version on the next gen platforms — slaying Rathian and Rathalos in glorious HD in the comfort of my livingroom with several friends online sounds like a blast. The other part of me wishes this never happens as having to slog through egg quests, cooking food for

I want to be optimistic and Sony did well to lead me to that path during their PS4 conference. But seeing as how MS dropped the ball so badly when they had the upper hand during last gen… I honestly don't know.


I know Mr. Totillo posted this as a service to everyone, but honestly, I chuckled when I read the headline — coming back from a great 3-day weekend, it's great to know I can actually turn the Xbox One off.