
The dog with the shaved overalls on his fur. That's just inhumane.

Does Snake have eyebrows? I always wondered that.

That photo makes me regret having an HD screen. Nast-ay.

I'm with you. People who have no business parking in a handicap spot, yet park there anyway (whether or not you own a Ferrari) get no sympathy from me.

Oh, Wow. Metal Gear Solid game over screen brings back so many memories.

She had me at "Altered Beast". *swoon*

Other than getting a little dizzy from the video, that's pretty cool.

That's pretty crazy. It didn't even seem like the car stopped at all, it was so fast. It's just paused.

Glad nobody was hurt, but yeah… if you can't share the road correctly like these assholes, you're better off staying home.

This story seriously made my Monday better. I'm glad you got your car back and I hope the !@#*& that stole it get justice served in an old, dirty dog dish.

I don't know what's more unbelievable — her excuse to not let you be in the wedding party OR having her personally tell you this. Karma's a bitch and I hope Karma does something SUPER-DUPER special for your "friend" and anyone else like her.

Companies don't have to stand behind anyone. They just need to be profitable. I stand by my work and anything with my name on it, but that doesn't mean I have to defend my company, especially when I have no say whatsoever in how they do business.

I can't see how an "always-online" console can be good for the consumer. There are so many variables in play when having to always depend on an internet connection or MS' servers or whatever else can interrupt my cable from functioning. If any of these things fail, guess what? The console becomes an expensive

GQ, Esquire and I have a love/hate relationship. I like getting advice and reading the interesting articles (the tasteful photos of beautiful women doesn't hurt) both magazines have to offer. Thing is, when they do lists about clothes, accessories, shoes that I should own. RIGHT. NOW. The prices listed just throw me

That Enzo Fiero just broke my eyes. Seriously, I'm googling how I can "un-see" something. Is it possible?

Congrats, Tennessee! You just showed the whole country how fucked up your politics have become. Way to help those in need!

Forgive my rant. It'll be a long read so sit tight, have some tea and read on.

Maybe, while you're exploring the main "hub" before adventuring, you can zoom out and take stills of your character? I guess that would be cool. I guess that would be some consolation.

I have a serious question and I hope that I don't offend anyone with my ignorance or naiveté (or the fact that I used the word "naiveté").

I don't know about you guys, but I have a feeling… this gut feeling, that the Wii-U and Nintendo are in trouble.