
It really doesn't matter to me what you're doing with your food. Put it on your head, make sculptures out of it, trade plates with whoever your with — I don't care. You're paying for your food so why should I have any say?

And this is a prime example of misplaced priorities. Help keep soldiers alive, not make a big deal out of a friggin' mask.

It's all good. Reading what I wrote, I don't blame you. A lot of people don't know the major changes happening in Gears Judgement and while I am still getting it, I'm not preordering and I might wait a day or two just to see what everyone else thinks first.

I have no clue, man. Just reading that stuff and trying to figure out their explanation is just frustrating. Again, I'm trying to hold judgement (HA!) until the game comes out but seriously, it's hard.

I wish I was making this up.


My PS3 is dead and I've been putting off getting a replacement (I got the flashing yellow light), but this game is making me itchy to get a new one.

If everything I've been reading about Judgement holds true, it would seem that People Can Fly & Epic seems hell bent on taking stuff away, rather than introducing new things for the price of $60.

You and me, both. Although I'd like to know who the woman in the picture REALLY is.

Y'know, if MTV focused more on girls that actually accept their situation, make the best of it and triumph, it'll give others in their situation hope, maybe even a blueprint on how things can and should be — maybe do some good while earning ratings. But no... they'd rather show car-accidents-waiting-to-happen like

I can actually say that I've never watched an episode of Teen Mom because it makes me sick knowing that the babies will have to grow up with parents LIKE ABOVE.

I've seen lobsters boiled alive and hearing them try to scratch and grab out of a boiling pot is enough to tell me, "Gee, I think that kinda hurts." And then they stop and I look for melted butter.

I wholeheartedly agree.

I agree. He's an asshat if people can't use the sidewalk. I'd be ok if there was room for at least a wheelchair to pass by, until a cop sees it.

Err, I wouldn't be a distraction because I wouldn't take this bus because "it's a private business paying for a shuttle/bus service for it's employees" and I'm NOT employed by them.

I'm probably in the minority that thinks a lot of good reviews actually MEANS it's a good game. Damn you,, for making me think this is true!!

Art design is pretty subjective, but I do see your point since this is a visual medium.

Someone on another blog (Gawker, I think?) asked if "people are that stupid?" I replied, "Sadly, yes… people are very stupid." I was actually gonna link to some proof, like a funny meme or something. This video takes the cake.

I agree with what you're saying. I hate public transportation as much as the next guy and I am envious about the gleaming company buses that pass me by. But I don't see the problem of a private business paying for a shuttle/bus service for it's employees.

Sadly, I think people are that stupid.