
I stopped caring about AC since Brotherhood. I and II were good. 2.5 and 2.75 were ok, but 3 looks like a reheated, week-old soup, at least from the trailers and the gameplays I saw on YouTube. Maybe I`m wrong, but I really can`t justify the money and the time to play it.

15 $ a pair? eBay has cheaper and better ones. Bought 3 pairs of 6 studs ice grips last year for me and my parents and it was all good, no more slipping on ice or shiny snow.

I shouldn't buy anymore books, as I have a HUGE backlog, but damn, these look intriguing.

A similar setup, both on a netbook and on a i5, gives no performance hit for me. Heck, 3 or 4 windows gadgets eat up more resources.

Or about porting Halo 3 to the PC.

Before I listen to it, does it have a piss-poor ending, just like the game had?

Cool, I`ma gonna download it!

@ all the people worried about PC release: When has a GTA game been released simultaneously on consoles and PC? Neither SA or IV, from recent memory (can`t really remember for VC or 3)

That's another good idea.

Price games accordingly to their quality. Make better value for money games. Stop making dickass maneuvers (I don`t need to exemplify, there are plenty to go around). Learn from Valve and CDProjektRED. Stop insulting both buying and pirate users.

This is number one reason why I minimize the time my phone is out of the pocket in public. If I`m using it, I have a hand strap attached to it (more for dropping it than thief protection) and I pay close attention to people near me and when the public transport vehicle doors open and close. The rest of the time I try

That`s great for you. I also use windows 8 daily on my netbook since the Consumer Preview and on my second computer since the RTM was leaked and, as stated before, I don`t find it "much more impressive".

I do have to admit that you bring up a valid point, more so when talking about people that are not capable of adapting to new interfaces really fast, but I really can`t see MS going full Metro in the next 5-10 years, except maybe if Apple pulls a similar stunt before and succeeds. Even in that scenario, the

It`not that I dislike it, it`s just that, for me, I can`t justify the upgrade. Nothing worth the money/time/work required to migrate to it. Metro is ok once you get used to it, but it`s wasting space for even the most simple things like selecting a wireless network or searching for an application in the "start menu".

How to prepare your computer for Windows 8:

Good point, that would be the fastest way of forcing businesses to adopt NFC.

Thanks for the elaborate reply, I appreciate it. Yes, I do admit that the show had some strong points, but for me, because of the long, drawn-out plot (as you said, it`s a TV series, not a movie), I placed it under the "time filler" category and slowly removed it for my schedule. I`ll give season three a go sometime

That sounds nice, maybe I`ll pick it up once again, when other shows go in their mid season breaks.

OK, thanks for clearing that up. I`ll give the comics a chance.