“Missed” implies I didn’t see it.
“Missed” implies I didn’t see it.
Nobody is “pushing” other states. Those states chose to follow CA’s lead for cleaner air. The duly-elected representatives in each of those states took that decision for the good of the people who live there.
I’m also childless for now, but if there end up being more than one or two children in my future, they and their associated accessories will most likely ride in a minivan. Minivans are very good at what they are designed to do, and there is absolutely nothing uncool about that. Even with zero kids, I can think of…
We pay more in the US for worse healthcare outcomes than any other developed nation and they all have universal health care. This is a lie.
take away their health coverage in favor of Medicare for all
6500 MPH is ~9533 FPS. 1 G of acceleration would be 32'/s squared, so just to accelerate to 9533 FPS at 1G would take just under 5 minutes at a constant 1g. During accel, you’d have covered 352 miles. Decel is the same time and speed. So, assuming san fran is 2900 miles from NYC (google maps), that leaves 2196 miles…
I would run down to the nearest train tracks and see if I could find a CSX heavy-duty pickup with retractable rails. It might be a longshot, but when the roads are clogged with traffic and looters, that’s the last place I want to be stuck. I could drive on the rail OR along the railbeds on the gravel. Or the roads.
Violence. It’s violence.
Stick to sports.
I’m that class of buyer. I want a truck to haul stuff I need to haul from time to time. For instance, I need to move about 2 tons of gravel for a french drain I’m doing. I can get it delivered, but that costs like $250 in my area. I wouldn’t mind hauling it myself, but my CX-5 ain’t gonna cut it. I don’t want a…
I’ve been saying this for years, broads love EVs.
Pence needs to be there to carry an umbrella for Trump, because 1) Trump can't close umbrellas and b) Trump is afraid of the rain.
I think the biggest thing that’s missing for young people is understanding what an interest rate is, and what depreciation actually means. It’s amazing how uneducated most young people are about such simple and important things.
2nd Gear: Audi All-Star Resigns Rather Abruptly
You mean like this one..? 2018 Mazda6 station wagon...new.
Keeping people in terror about the health of their children is also an excellent way to render them slavishly obedient workers who dont dare risk their employment.
Ok Mack is cool...but the rest of those jokers can pound sand.
Can we just get rid of twitter? It doesn’t seem to have actually added any value to humanity.
I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.
Regarding your response to 1st gear: That’s not going to solve a damned thing. Regardless of party affiliation we need to vote for people who are willing to work together and not just run the party line. We need people who will shrink the partisan divide back to ‘historical norms’.