
Okay, maybe it was the pregnancy hormones racing through my system, but I was literally crying this weekend while reading more and more about the state of choice in America. This is my first pregnancy, and it was my choice to keep this pregnancy. My choice. This pregnancy is handing me my ass, and I can’t even imagine

“The films that are being made, are the big-time producers thinking outside of the box in terms of how to cast the role?,” she asked. She added that producers should ask themselves, “Can you cast a black woman in that role? Can you cast a black man in that role?”

Come on be my bay-bee tonight.


Burt’s Bees man, stick with Burt’s Bees.

Omggggg I’ve been just waiting for someone to try to touch me. I should be happy no one has but I also really really want someone to try it.

Thank God she got a $6 million settlement in her civil suit. I have this theory as an attorney that the only way rape victims can get vindication anymore is through the civil system. I have represented rape victims pro bono to file lawsuits against their attackers, and against the police department, and will continue

Get the book called Expecting Better by Emily Oyster (at least I think that's her name). It saved my sanity during pregnancy and very clearly specified the risk and non risks of all the myths floating around. You won't regret it.

Already with the sandwich shaming?? Ugh. That was the hardest for me. First pregnancy I tried my hardest to avoid deli meat for the most part, but I definitely had an Italian sub once or twice. I’m pregnant with my second and same - though I’d up my sub intake to more than once or twice. I did read that the listeria

I have never seen so many beautiful people in one place, than I have in Jamaica. The ones I’ve met and interacted with only magnified that beauty.

Now playing

Nobody will ever beat this dude’s proposal so don’t even try folks.

Let’s just stop any more White Males from entering the country until we get a handle on this problem.

A lot of hate in these here comments, my Jezebels...

Not to shit on your husband, but the idea that encouraging you to have a drink or go out with friends helps make up for his failure to pull his weight in running the household is laughable. The stuff that needs to get done is still gonna be there when you get home. He just wants you to stop thinking about it for a few

Home is my son’s favorite movie. The part where Oh (main character) becomes captain *always* make me bawl.

Ya know, I thought she said both phrases in the chorus. Maybe not.


Yes, I enjoy the pop culture posts on Jezebel, including Dirt Bag and Tweet Beat. The MAIN reason I’m here though is for the stellar writing and reporting on feminist issues. The authors here are badass. Please, Gawker, don’t make them pop reporters first and feminists second.

“If folks wanna pop off & have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan” - Pres Obama

The highest-paid actress in the world, still lagging far behind the men. JLaw, as the highest earning actress of the last year, made $52 million, which is 65% of what the highest earning man made (Robert Downey Jr. at $80m). Lawrence just barely outlearns Jackie Chan ($50m) and Vin Diesel ($47m) despite starring in