When does that happen? I do not remember that part. Seriously.
When does that happen? I do not remember that part. Seriously.
Jamie does not rape Claire in the book.
Jamie - "does it ever stop, the wanting you?"
oh my god. LADYBONER.
An ex-friend of mine is quoted in this article. Emphasis on the word "ex". Money does strange things to people.
I just tossed my panties at the screen. Heavens.
I wish lambs weren't so tasty. :(
Why are people "creeped out" by their age difference? 24 years old is a grown ass adult. She's not 16 FFS. I imagine a 24 year old woman with a Best Actress Oscar under her belt is mature enough to handle a guy in his late 30s.
You'll be okay. My big turnaround started at 24. I will be 33 in September. I am really happy, truly. It took a lot of therapy and patience. But I'm here and I feel good. 30s >>>>>>>>>>>> 20s.
This broke my heart. This was me, except I didn't cut. I ate. My family was falling apart at the seams, and so was I. It took me forever to learn to swim and not just tread water.
Nope! Not that place, though I definitely went there a few times. You basically had to be a model to get a job there. All the waitresses were tall, leggy, and beautiful.
THIS IS ME. Anything - and I mean anything - with hormones in it turn me into a raging psychopath. A fat, zitty, panicky raging psychopath. The copper IUD sounds like a total nightmare, and I just had a friend in the hospital because one perforated her uterus and wound up in her abdomen and nearly poked a hole in her…
I definitely wouldn't have put it past him.
I worked at a very popular brunch restaurant in NYC (i mean VERY popular - lines out the door by 9 am and non stop till 4 pm, 90 minute waits for eggs! EGGS!), and we had a dude who would show up every single morning at 8 am sharp, the second the doors opened. He was probably in his 60s, morbidly obese, and stinky. He…
Yeah, that was my brother. He got kicked out CONSTANTLY, once because he brought home a record that my mother didn't think he should buy because she thought he owed her money, and how dare he spend that on a record. True story. When I think of her cruelty to us, its remarkable I tolerated it for so long. It's just…
Oh man, this sounds like me. My mother has a personality disorder (Narcissistic) and she made me feel like the worst kid ever. You would think I robbed a bank. The worst thing I was was a bit mouthy, but she had everyone CONVINCED I was a god awful kid. It took me years to realize it wasn't my fault, and took me even…
I hate to be "that girl", but a parent who chooses to publicly humiliate their child shouldn't be applauded. In fact, its a hallmark of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I should know - I was raised by a mother with NPD. All humiliation does is get the parent attention and teach the child how to lie better. It causes…
This makes you sound really idiotic. Just FYI.
Congratulations on being only the nine millionth person to be completely fucking wrong on this issue. Well fucking done. Here's a cookie.