
She added: The title promises a tale of a cursed child, and there’s nothing in there about Donald Trump. I want my money back!

I think this depends on what kind of disagreement you’re having. If it’s politics or regilion, chances are that knowing the person’s background won’t help you sympathize with them, and will do just the opposite.

Consider the possibility that it’s not your place to understand or approve how other people parent their children. They’re not your kids, so it’s none of your damn business. Just like you may not appreciate unsolicited advice on how to parent your kids, other people don’t appreciate it either.

Um...the obvious one?

No, it is not hard to hang on to in the face of brutal senseless acts.

I love the awesome work you guys do at TAL. And I think a huge reason for that is because you guys stay away from these mommy type stories. Not matter what plot line they were going for, this was going to be a bad movie.

How foolish of me to think that giving a gift is about being considerate and mindful to the sick person receiving it.

Or it’s the movie you would expect by people who read the most popular mommy bloggers, mommy forums, etc.

So in other words they read the most popular mommy bloggers and mommy forums and copied the subject matter they saw there.

Sure, why bother driving through Alaska so you can see the scenery and meet people on the way who aren’t catering to tourists. It’s faster and more convenient to whizz by and visit all the 711s and McDonalds stores that look the same no matter where you are.

It’s adorable that you think they would be honest with you to share their true feelings.

“It’s the thought that counts”= I appreciate the thought, but you got me a crappy gift that I hate

To be fair, I think you need to tell yourself that because you can’t handle the thought of someone hating what looks like a table full of useless junk. As a person who is in recovery from a serious illness, someone gifting me this would make me gag. I appreciate the intent behind it, but it’s still junk that’s a

Solicitation aside, I have to find an adequate explanation for why people like cruises.

Yeha, addition is hilarious. Really.

“Racist lunatic” is a policy position? News to me.



Keep fucking that chicken, Vicki.

Had you bothered to read the Wiki, you’d know they source their claims by linking to the party’s platform, which is about as objective as you can get for someone who doesn’t read Japanese.

I think that’s a really ignorant viewpoint from somebody that literally knows nothing about Japanese politics and just assumes that Liberal Democrats mean the same thing in Japan as they do in the US.