Chris Waites

I could’ve sworn there was already a Warcraft movie. In fact, I seem to recall it was a Starcraft/Warcraft crossover movie, where the Terrans invade Azeroth and set fire to Teldrassil. Surprisingly, Night Elf Hunters and Rogues are able to beat Valkyries and Goliaths.

Hey, great username!

Infinite Crisis, aka - Batman, Alternative Batman, Alternative Alternative Batman, Vampire Batman and Batman Batman vs Other Batman, Super Batman, Steampunk Batman, Other Other Batman and that one Wonder Woman character who’s insanely overpowered and played by the only person actually playing Infinite Crisis because

This is accurate, I can vouch for this.

Just to give you an idea of how weekends are done around here, typically 2 or 3 articles are posted about My Little Ponies, custom Transformers toys, or video game accessories nobody would ever buy normally. Then Mike usually does something with the Shop Contest. There’s a bit of rabble from the commenters, and

They said taller people in the back. They did not say not to sit down in the back. Thus, I am a head.

Back before my face and body submitted to gravity, I spent two years shaking my ass at a relatively 'classy' chain in the south. We had to wear gowns on the floor while cruisin' for customers, and if some of the more *assertive* ladies happened to catch anyone giving extras in the VIP, they would get the shit kicked

Because Kotaku is an victim (although a minor one) of the Gamergate saga, I do assume that Kotaku will have its say on the saga. But the Gawker Media Network has had a lot of internal discussion this year trying to determine how to best handle the Gamergate menace, precisely because, as you said, its advocates show up

Yeah, I know we're not alone in this either.

I can tell you why. I legitimately thought the beta was just a small slice of the game. Turns out it was a substantial portion and fully representative. I won't make that mistake again.

The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.

There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close

Hang in there! It's coming, it's coming!

I understand your point, and I agree that the games we got for ps4 through ps plus aren't anything to write home about (but it's understandable on the first year post-launch). Now, unless this turns into a complete disaster, I'm guessing we'll get to play the ps plus version of Driveclub by the end of the week. Is 2

It's a good call, paying costumers should be their first priority.

The more I read about Destiny, the more I think that neither Activison nor Bungie themselves ever had a real plan for it.

Boy: "Feminists are awful literally 100% of the time! There is not one good thing feminists have done!"
Person who actually knows what 'feminist' means: "What about <x>?"

Fuck off.

You people are class A idiots.