Hey, that reminds me. What happened to Screenburn? I used to really enjoy the weekly screenshots, and often used one for my own desktop.
Hey, that reminds me. What happened to Screenburn? I used to really enjoy the weekly screenshots, and often used one for my own desktop.
This happened to me as well. When I play a fighting games, I tend to try to learn all characters to a core level of competency, and while I have characters I prefer and am better at, I enjoy learning all the intricacies of all the characters. I just think it's fun. I should also say that the only person I play with…
I can't answer for everyone, but for me it comes to the fact that my paychecks aren't always equal. Some weeks are less than others, and sometimes things come up where suddenly I have to, you know, pay a bill out of nowhere and I have no disposable income for extended periods of time. This has not happened in a while,…
There are 321 comments above me, so no one will read this, but still, I had to say it: I prefer you over at Giant Bomb, where you belong. But if you're going to be on another website, Kotaku is where I'd be happiest with you. So my heartbreak has been sated. Good to see you.
This. This this this. I had zero interest in Destiny from the trailers, and every time they talked about it before the Beta they never actually said what the game *was*, and that was a red flag to me. Then I downloaded the Beta on Saturday because, hell, it was something to do with my new PS4, and I actually liked the…
This is not a joke. I would literally buy this if it had a photo mode like they do in The Last of Us/ Shadow of Mordor/ Infamous: Second Son for the PS4. If they didn't add this I'm not sure if I'd want to play through again. If they did it would be 100% buy no matter what. I'm not kidding. This is do or die for me.
What's frustrating in my case: I don't own a PS3, and have been very unsatisfied with the free games that PS+ has had for the PS4, and since I don't play on-line games often, I thought I'd let it lapse until the good games started showing up. But then I thought, you know what? Why not keep it and give Drive Club a…
There is absolutely positively no reference to anyone else in the world being on your side in this war. If you play Co-op in Halo 3 the friggining Covenant shows up in cutscenes as if to say, hey, you're not alone here, but Destiny makes no such effort.
Do you really think anyone "rushed" a review? The first review posted came up two days after it was released and they started the day before the American release, so publications had three days to play it. The story can be completed in 10 hours and that's without rushing. This actually seems like no less reasonable an…
I really have to respectfully disagree about putting up a review "just" two days after it was released, especially considering the press in America got about a day more than the players did. Hearing what I have about review events and the way embargos are set up, three full days for a game that tops out when this game…
Just beat the game yesterday, so it was like a little gift to me to see this post today. I thought the dialogue was atrocious, but I always thought the original Dante was just as huge of a dork, so it never bothered me.
Am I the biggest wimp in the world for being disappointed in how bloody this thing is? I let my 11 year old daughter play Dark Souls, and I'm sad she won't be able to play this sequel because it's too damn much.
Do you really think that time pausing powers don't usually work well? Because in my opinion they almost always work well— which is why it seems weird to me that it's a selling point in this game, because it's been done so well so many times before, there's nothing really to add to it. It's not that I think the time…
I never played Manhunt, but you saying that reminded me of a game that I did find morally repugnant at around that time: State of Emergency. There was a lot of controversy about GTA of course, but the main story, the things the game expected you to do, could all be found in a movie. Killing cops is a thing that…
The thumbsticks bump in the way of your thumbs, it's no good for Street Fighter. Back in the PS days I kept one of the non-dual shock controllers, just like Yuffie used, for this very reason.
I found this bizarre when I watched this video. I watched Street Fighter the entirety of Friday, and I never once saw anyone quit when somebody was stuck in an elaborate ultra for a defeat. I expect that the rules are different game to game, but this isn't just two dudes playing in a room, there's a whole audience,…
I had severe problems with this scene, not just because it makes me uncomfortable, but I thought it was one of the most poorly handled scenes in the game full of scenes that were handled poorly. What I hated about this scene was that Wade was never played as a character you sympathized with, he was treated as a joke…
By far the game everyone hates that I love is, as you mentioned, Dragon Age 2. Not only do I prefer it to Dragon Age 1, it's in my top 10 games of the last generation. I think it's brilliant. Not perfect— its flaws are obvious. They seemed to have obviously just not had enough time to do more than just those three…
I just bought my PS4 two days after Infamous: Second Son, so it's been about a month now? I own a 360, skipped the Playstation 3, but otherwise bought every prior PS console. I do not own an Xbox One, but plan on getting one within the next year.
You are internetting pretty hard for this time of morning. Switch to decaf.